Riven, exile. Never before have we seen a more polarizing League of Legends champion, and honestly, the coriander equivalent (love it or hate it) has a surprisingly complex skill cap to be a renowned low stomper. side. Known for her playing potential, as well as her coinflip style of play, Riven is incredibly overpowered or just underwhelming depending on the state of the game at hand. Let's take a look at some tips that can make sure your coin lands on the old option a bit more often.
Animation cancellation
Riven is famous for having an incredibly telegraphed set of trading skills. However, most of the indicators that these wind up animations are even happening can be overridden. Whether it's with Flash, her basic abilities, or her detail choices, Riven can make all of her transitions smooth.
Along with weaving additional spells, Riven's most intriguing animation cancellation is tied to her Q - Shattered Wings. By issuing a move command with your mouse when you press your Q, you can weave an additional auto attack or ability between your three attacks.
Passive juggling
Riven's passive - Blade of Exile - grants him bonus damage per auto-attack after using an ability. However, with four abilities (five if you count active Rs) and the Q emitting three separate stacks, Riven networks should be mindful of weaving automatic attacks between their abilities in order to maximize passive damage output, as charge storage only goes to Three.
A good rule of thumb is to auto after each spell cast, which becomes a lot easier once you master the aforementioned animation cancellation.
Come in, come out
Riven excels at taking short, explosive trades before disengaging with his E-Valor. Be aware of the opportunities to do this, whether after your opponent has already used their only potential response, or even just if the wave of minions builds up in your favor.
Trade constant and swiftly, using your abilities and gear to the max before falling back on its insane mobility. The more the reduction in cooldown means more transactions, so consider itemizing for that. When you've traded enough and the enemy is low enough, try running them with a full combo plus your active R - Wind Slash.