Of all the Champions League, there is none that has captured my heart as much as the Mechanized Threat itself. Able to define team fights through a well-placed ultimate, or execute insane 1v2 spending from three minutes into the game, Rumble has a high skill level but an almost infinite cap.
Remove your R from Smartcast
In order to offer more precision when it comes to placing Rumble's most crucial and devastating tool - the Equalizer - I would advise removing the skill of smart distribution. This will allow you to click and drag the ability in the exact direction you need it, rather than relying on a somewhat precise wrist movement.
Always keep your heat above 50
Rumble's passive is underrated - but significant - some of his damage, especially in the aforementioned three-minute 1v2. His abilities, rather than consuming mana or energy, generate 10 (E) or 20 (Q & W) heat - and at 100 heat he goes silent for a few seconds but increases damage on self-attacks. . Staying above 50 heat points is essential, as the second part of Rumble's passive kicks in here - all of his abilities are roughly 50% more effective when cast at or above that benchmark.
Never overheat with W
If overheated with Q - Flamespitter, Rumble will continue to dispense his area of effect flamethrower while being silent. Additionally, your Q will usually be out of cooldown after the silence effect wears off. Regarding E - Electro-Harpoon, he will be able to cast a second charge of the ability despite the silencing effect. When it comes to W - Scrap Shield, however, there is a small advantage, and you often find yourself awkwardly standing and automatically attacking. Try to avoid this as often as possible.
Note that your heat will decrease quickly after not casting the ability for 5 seconds; use that knowledge to take out as many abilities as possible before you shut up. Whether it's chasing an opponent or going for a choice all-in, tracking your heat and proper handling of the res