As one of League's most iconic champion in Blitzcrank is renowned for his ability to lead matches with just one good hook. The somewhat intimidating support always makes its presence known, whether it's through level 1 invasion shenanigans or a crucial take after 30 minutes of play. Let's go over some tips for taking your Blitzcrank game to the next level.
Mobility boots are your friend
Nothing tilts a midlaner more than having the enemy Blitzcrank suddenly appear in their hallway, ready and waiting with a Q-Rocket Grab to pull him to certain death. Blitzcrank's 2v2 potential is pale in comparison to other supports (especially if you miss your hook), but its ability to put pressure on the map by simply leaving the lane is unprecedented. Be proactive with your travels and consider investing in Boots of Mobility as your first purchase.
Threatened with a hook
As mentioned above, the prowess of Blitzcrank 2v2 and strict laning are mostly disappointing compared to the rest of the support pool. However, the champion has so much power tied to his Q, that threatening the potential hook by standing between your opponents and the wave of minions is enough to deter even the most ambitious of enemies. Be aware that if you throw your hook and miss, you lose priority in the queue for the next 20 seconds, along with half your mana pool - so sometimes the threat is better than the attempt.
Buy control quarters
Another area where the initial purchase of Boots of Mobility will help, frequently returning to base to replenish control pupils, is very crucial in pushing your aggressive line of sight for support. Control pupils, in particular, are incredibly important because they negate the vision of the enemy team, and after all, how is someone supposed to dodge a Blitzcrank hook if they can't see it coming?