Can you believe it's been a year since Colorful Chameleon League hit the Rift? With full punching power and current Glacial Augment builds, Neeko's ability to fit into almost any team lineup has been instrumental in the game. Able to transform fights in the blink of an eye with Pop Blossom well placed, Neeko's strengths are both well-defined and potentially devastating. Let's take a look at some ways to take your Neeko gameplay to the next level!
Pay attention to your allies
In order to take full advantage of Neeko's passive - yes, the one that allows him to transform into any of his allies - as well as his W, it's imperative that you pay attention to your allies. Specifically, their positions on the map, as well as their health bars.
While Neeko copies an ally's health during their transformation, it becomes slightly redundant and significantly more detectable if that ally is subsequently chopped to pieces or killed. It's also worth noting that if your ally just showed up on the map at the bottom, there's no way for them to be in the top lane 15 seconds later (unless they're Shen ). Neeko's transformation is a powerful tool, but be sure to use your brain before using it, or risk blasting the deception in your face.
Explode in their face
Having used the term to describe what happens when a transform game goes awry, I couldn't resist using it here as well. A - Neeko's Pop Blossom causes her to explode in an area of effect around her, shortly after a wind-up animation.
Use generous slowdowns in your itemization, snare, and Flash to gain the upper hand over the enemy baseline. Be aware that you can also Zhonya's Stopwatch or Hourglass while animating your ultimate cast, to prevent a lot of return damage from coming back to you when you're on the enemy team.
Camouflage ... or simply stay in the wave of Minions
Neeko's E - Tangle Barbs has increased snare duration if it passes through multiple targets. His Q - Blooming Burst - will also trigger extra times if he hits a target. As such, I would recommend positioning yourself behind the wave of enemy minions and your target. Look to land a chained snare through the creeps, or a multi-hit Q that both clears the wave and destroys your opponent.
Or, better yet, do both.