Ambitious, obnoxious, and just plain adorable at times, League is a very neat little yordle that could fit into both solo lanes, the jungle, and even the occasional supporting role. But how can you take your Poppy game to the next level?
Reposition to align your E Stun
Poppy's E - Heroic Charge - is his most iconic ability, having been the only part of the Champion's original starter kit 10 years ago that remains intact to this day. The ability slams Poppy into a target, and if they connect to a wall, they take immense damage as well as a stun to the face.
You can use your W - Steadfast Presence - to speed up and orient yourself around an enemy, or deny their mobility options in order to line up the Perfect Stun. This is a very powerful combo, and the threat from this tool should be enough for any opponent to think twice before positioning themselves near a wall.
You can also run E then Flash halfway through the animation to ensure a stun if you calculate the trajectory appropriately.
Priority objective? Which priority target
Often times, Poppy's players find themselves fishing for the perfect ultimate. Charging him for the entire duration and aiming to separate the enemy front line from the protection of their scopes by sending them back to base, Poppy is excellent at creating chaos in a fight.
However, you don't necessarily have to roll the dice and hit enemy tanks. Instead, consider using the ability to send the enemy's most fueled combat into battle, and engage the next 5v4, shredding enemy health bars before their primary