Windows is an operating system as efficient as it is ... fun: sometimes it can reserve many unexpected surprises including error messages that defining comic is almost an understatement! To those who are on average practical, these messages can make people smile but we do not dare to imagine the face of users who are unaware of everything who, at any moment, see almost absurd warnings appear in front of them ...
That's why, to smile a little, we have decided to collect the best (no, the worst!) In one article! We will start with some mistakes in in your language and then throw ourselves into the most absurd (and comic) mistakes in English. We can guarantee that the error windows you will see below are absolutely authentic!
Funniest Windows Errors Ever
Cancel, try again, block me ...
It is one of those errors that seem to have something serious in appearance but which, in reality, soon becomes ridiculous, then diabolical. Because? We will explain it to you immediately: press cancels can make the same window reappear and lock the computer, press try again equal, press read more idem. Moral of the story: it was better to restart.
Do applications really need to be installed?
“To run the application you need to install it”. Obvious, right? Except that for Microsoft someone might not have understood it ...
Wonderful self-criticisms
What you see above is an error message that has sometimes popped up atWindows 95 starts. Flash Explanation: A long time ago, Windows was itself an application running in an MS-DOS environment, whose .exe file was named WIN. And that message, predicted by Microsoft, says that "WIN" may decrease system performance.
Long live sincerity!
I don't see but I can
Someone said that I cannot view certain settings but, if I wanted, I could change them by completely planting the stability of the operating system. Doesn't make a turn, does it?
Ok, this speaks for itself.
The Windows Phone 8.1 installation CD
Let's imagine turning on our Windows Phone 8.1 smartphone and finding ourselves in front of this screen. Ok, we can still understand that the mobile operating system is born from a "rib" of the desktop one, but an installation disk to use on a smartphone had not yet been seen ...
Keyboard: this unknown
The error “Keyboard error or keyboard not present. Press F12 to continue ”made the history of the BIOS of the time, but the error message we see above is no joke!
“The keyboard does not respond. Press any key to continue ”. It seems right!
Did something happen ?!
Without a doubt this is a window that tells us that something has happened. And something will surely have happened. But only Microsoft, the computer and your god will know.
Windows Vista is a problem ...
We are not very sure if this is an error triggered directly by the operating system but it was worth putting it on our list. The highlighted part reads verbatim:
The problem is caused by Windows Vista, which was created by Microsoft Corporation.
Usually, to solve a problem, the cause is directly destroyed ... or not?
I turn you off… but also no!
This nice start window warns us that application (in this case the Windows error handler) cannot be started because the computer is shutting down. And frankly, I don't think that if I have decided to shut down the computer, anyone should tell me that applications can no longer be opened.
Besides the rather ridiculous nature of this message box, the aggravating factor is that its appearance caused immediate interruption of the shutdown process ...
Secure password? Maybe too much!
We quote verbatim:
Your password must be at least 18770 characters long and cannot be the same as any of the previous 30689 passwords. Please use a different password. Type a password that meets both requirements in both text boxes.
Ok security but ... isn't it too much? An absolutely genuine error message, resulting from a bug. But that doesn't make you laugh less!
Out of space: I can't unsubscribe!
I have a full disk and I need to delete a file, but I cannot delete a file because I have a full disk. Even this is not a wrinkle ...
PS = basically speaking, such a thing can (but shouldn't) happen as the system may fail to allocate the necessary resources.
This page is not safe but I don't know why
Internet Explorer worries its users by warning them that some pages may be unsafe. But users are not given to know why.
I'm not a mistake!
That's one error window and warns us that theoperation was completed successfully. Seems legit…
Neverending copy…
It has always happened and has always been funny: sometimes the calculation algorithm for the residual time of Windows shoots them big. And so it was that, to copy 1.45 GB of data, it took about 127 years and 5 hours ...
Error: I can no longer report errors ...
If a program stops working and triggers an error it's ok; if the error reporting manager and this is signaled with an error, then the situation becomes a bit more complicated ...
Privacy in Internet?

We all know that pull over Internet and Privacy in the same sentence it makes you smile. Of course we know. But Internet Explorer does not stop reminding us ...
BONUS: Funniest Windows Fake Mistakes
What we have seen above are real life scenes but there are programs capable of creating and showing errors in Windows that we can invent from scratch. The video below shows some very, very funny ones! Only requirement: we will have to know some English ...
Report, report, report!
If you have to show us crazy (but true) Windows errors and you want them to be added to our list, please report them to us with a comment: smiling costs nothing!