It happens quite often to find yourself in possession of videos coming from different devices and that, for one reason or another, you would like to convert into a specific format for quality or compatibility reasons. It is in similar cases that you should have a program at hand that allows you to do this: there is a specific category of software, such "Transcodificatori", just about this!
Below we propose a list of best programs to convert video on Windows, suitable for all types of users - from those who are interested in having easy conversions to those who are interested in deciding in detail the conversion parameters from one format to another. If you need a list of transcoders for Linux you can consult our article.
Preliminary information
We always recommend doing an installation through one 100% genuine and original license, this is to avoid data loss or hacker attacks. We are aware that purchasing a license on the Microsoft store has a high cost. For this we have selected for you Mr Key Shop, a reliable site with free assistance specialized in in your language, secure payments and shipping in seconds via email. You can check the reliability of this site by reading the many positive verified reviews. Windows 10 licenses are available on this store at very advantageous prices. Furthermore, if you want to upgrade to the latest versions of Windows operating systems, you can also purchase the upgrade to Windows 11. We remind you that if you have a genuine version of Windows 10, the upgrade to the new Windows 11 operating system will be free. Also on the store you can buy the various versions of Windows operating systems, Office packages and the best antivirus on the market.
Programs to convert videos on Windows for free
Perhaps the most famous and complete, one of the most popular programs to convert videos on Windows and among other things also available on Linux and Mac. With HandBrake it is really very easy to convert from one format to another, even if the best results are obtained. with the MKV container.
DOWNLOAD | HandBrake
Format Factory
Password: simplicity, and Format Factory succeeds really well in this! Through very comfortable buttons this small program compatible with all versions of Windows allows you to easily jump from one format to another without being great experts in terms of codecs, compression and so on!
Not a lot of pretensions but certainly one of the simplest programs to convert video on Windows.
To simplify life even more is the possibility of create files "for devices" instead of "by extension": this is how, using Format Factory, you can create optimized files for PSP, Xbox 360, iPhone, iPad and more! Among other things, FormatFactory also supports batch conversions (i.e. those on different files / formats performed in sequence) and also works to convert audio from one file to another.
In short, an excellent free converter extremely useful for those who need to convert video from one format to another without particular hitches and limiting the possibility of error to a minimum. The advice is to download the .torrent file or the "Full Installation Package", in order to avoid running into proprietary downloaders that are not always welcome.
DOWNLOAD | Format Factory
AviDemux is actually born as a real video editor similar to VirtualDub, however its flexibility allows it to become a full-blown transcoder if needed.
To take advantage of the transcoding features just agire su “Output Format” and choose the format you prefer, with the possibility of acting in detail regarding the configuration and compression parameters. It is certainly not among the simplest programs to convert videos, but it is certainly one of the most flexible and effective.
Avidemux is remarkably practical for those who already have a minimum of familiarity with the details of the various video formats; Avidemux is free, open source and available - as well as for Windows - also for Linux, Mac and BSD.
Fundamental and minimal: there are no other terms to define this transcoder which, apparently, seems rather thin and not very functional… but in reality it is among the most powerful programs for converting videos!
Although it is nothing other than the graphic interface of FFMpeg, WinFF combines the immediacy of use with a truly remarkable power: it is possible to use it both by letting the program itself choose the optimal settings for each type of output format, or act manually on them to define every little detail. Really really good as well open source and multiplatform. A must have.
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