Kalos Celebration Event Research Tasks and Timed Rewards
Below are all of the Kalos Celebration Event Timed Research tasks and rewards. You only have five days to complete it, so be sure to go through it before it expires. It comes with awesome Gen 6 themed rewards like Pokémon encounters and more. We may need to update some tasks as the event unfolds, so be sure to come back when we have more information.
Step 1 of 6
- Transfer 5 Pokémon - 10 Poké Balls
- Catch a fletching - 600 XP
- Offer 3 Treats to Your Buddy - 500 Stardust
Rewards - 15 Mega Charizard Energy, 500 Stardust and 800 XP
Step 2 of 6
- Pokémon Power Up 5 times - 10 PokéBall
- Catch a Litleo - 5 Hyper Potions
- Use 5 berries to help catch Pokémon - 5 Revives
Rewards - 15 Mega Charizard Energy, 500 Stardust and 800 XP
Step 3 of 6
- Catch 10 Pokémon - 10 PokéBall
- Catch a Chespin - 30 Mega Venusaur Energy
- Make 5 pretty throws - 10 Nanab Berry
Rewards - 15 Mega Charizard Energy, 750 Stardust and 100 XP
Step 4 of 6
- Catch 15 Pokémon - 10 PokéBall
- Attrapez a Fnnekin - 30 Mega Charizard Energy
- Make 7 pretty throws - 10 Razz Berry
Rewards - 15 Mega Charizard Energy, 750 Stardust and 1000 XP
Step 5 of 6
- Catch 20 Pokémon - 15 PokéBall
- Catch a Froaki - 30 Mega Blastoise Energy
- Make 7 great throws - 10 Pinap Berry
Rewards - 15 Mega Charizard Energy, 750 Stardust and 1000 XP
Step 6 of 6
- Claim Reward - 1000 XP
- Claim Reward - 1000 XP
- Claim Reward - 1000 XP
Rewards - 1 Lucky Egg, 1000 Stardust, and 2000 XP
And here's our timed search guide for the Kalos Celebration event for Pokémon GO. Hope this helps you complete all the tasks and receive all the rewards, and you will end up with a lot of Gen 6 characters added to your Pokédex.