Sierra is one of the three leaders of Team GO Rocket in which you can fight Pokémon GO. To face it, you need to collect six mysterious components of Rocket Grunts from the captured PokéStops. After receiving them, you can build a rocket radar to refine a leader's lair. Here's what you need to know to fight Sierra.
You have to use sturdy and durable Pokémon when fighting Sierra. You want to use more defensive options with general-purpose general attacks to constantly fight against all the Sierra Pokémon that throw at you.
First Pokémon
The first Pokémon you'll face against Sierra is Steel-type and Psychic-type Beldum, which makes it weak on Dark, Fire, Ghost, and Ground-types. You have a variety of options for this prime, like Houndoom, Darmanitan, Arcanine, Absol or Magmar. You shouldn't have too much trouble fighting Sierra's first option, but make sure you don't bring poison or combat-type to the fight.
Second Pokémon
Sierra will choose one of three different Pokémon for the next pick.
- Exeggutor, un type Grass et Psychic
- Lapras, a type of water and ice
- Sharpedo, a water type and dark type
Your best option is to choose a Pokémon that is Electric-type or can use Electric-type moves to attack Lapras and Sharpedo. They are both weak against electric type attacks. However, Exeggutor is not weak for Electric. The alternative is to use a Grass-type, but Exeggutor is also a Grass-type, not taking as much damage from these attacks and he can easily damage them due to their Psychic-type attacks. You'd better use Jolteon, Ampharos, Magnezone, Electabuzz or any of that variety.
Third Pokémon
Sierra's next three-option series includes these choices.
- Alakazam, a psychic guy
- Houndoom, a fire and dark type
- Shiftry, un type Grass et Dark
Your best option would be to find a reliable Bug-type Pokémon, like Heracross (it's a Bug and Fighting type), Scizor, Pinsir, Escavalier, or Scyther. If you have Scyther, you can use Bug-type moves against Alakazam and Shiftry, while relying on stronger Flying-type attacks against Houndoom. Unfortunately, Houndoom is weak on Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water types, so Heracross might be better as he can reliably cover all three potential choices.
Whatever options you choose for each battle, you need to make sure that you are considering a stable and reliable defensive type for each battle. It's an endurance fight with the Sierra Pokémon that brings a lot of health and damage to the table. The more durable your choices are, the longer you can last and get to the end of the fight.