Recruiting new Pokémon to your Rescue Team and helping them evolve is a central part of Pokémon Rescue Team Mystery Dungeon DX, but what if you need that extra boost to get through a really difficult dungeon? This is where Mega Evolve's ability comes in. Mega Evolving will make your Pokémon more powerful for a short time and may be enough to help you get through difficult fights.
How to evolve Mega
For Mega Evolve, you will need to find a rare item called the Seed of Empowerment. These are single-use items and you can find them in dungeon chests. They can also be earned as rewards for certain missions. You can ask a Pokémon to eat an Empowerment Seed and it will gain a status called Awakened. All Pokémon can Awaken, but only a small number of Pokémon will Mega Evolve as a result of consuming the Empowerment Seed. It also looks like you'll need to have completed the story for Empowerment Seeds to start dropping in dungeons.
An Awakened Pokémon will gain increased stats, its linked moves will still cause critical hits, and they will no longer suffer from type disadvantages.
Pokémon Mega Evolve will change into a new form, often with a new set of moves, and be much more powerful than their normal forms. This is only temporary and will only last for one floor.
Which Pokémon can evolve into a mega
Below is a list of the different Pokémon that can evolve into Mega in the game. It's a good idea to save your empowerment seeds for them.
- Absolutely
- Aerodactyl
- Aggron
- Alakazam
- Altana
- Ampharos
- Banette
- Beedrill
- Blastoise
- Blaziken
- Camerupt
- Charizard
- Gallade
- Gardevoir
- gengar
- Glalie
- Gyarados
- Heracross
- Houndoom
- Kangaskhan
- Latias
- Latios
- Lucario
- Magnetric
- Mawile
- Medicham
- Metagross
- Mewtwo
- Pidgeot
- Pinsir
- Primordial groudon
- Primordial Kyogre
- Rayquaza
- Sableye
- Salamence
- Skeptical
- Scizor
- Sharpedo
- Slowbro
- Steelix
- Swampert
- Tyranitar
- Florizarre