The latest upcoming Shiny Pokemon Pokemon Go is weird. Players will be running for much of the week, adding this new Pokemon to their collection. Players are also curious about how they should evolve and how they should evolve. They have a choice between Vileplume and Bellossom, and both are great choices.
Should you choose Vileplume or Bellossom in Pokemon Go?
Vileplume is the classic evolution of Oddish. It first appeared during the first generation. In Pokemon Go, you are going to find that this creature has a maximum attack power of 202, with a defense of 167. Its overall toughness can reach 181, with a maximum CP of 2559. It is a grass and poison type, this which means he's going to rely on having resistances against the poison to give him a boost from a Bellup, which is purely the Grass type.
The best moves you can find for this creature are the Razor Leaf and Sludge Bomb moves. Overall, the attack will be stronger but the defense less powerful. It is also much bigger.
When the second generation arrived, trainers had to choose to optimize their appearance as Bellossom, a prettier Grass-type Pokémon than the flower-headed Vileplume. In Pokemon Go, you should know that this Pokemon's max attack is 169, its defense is 186, and its toughness is 181. It can reach a max CP of 2281. It is a Grass-type type. pure, which means poison attacks will deal more damage, Vileplume.
Although he is of the pure weed type, Bellossom can learn acid, which is helpful. He can also learn Leaf Blade, which is one of his best moves. Overall, his defense is higher than Vileplume, with lower attack and CP. When Bellossom is on a sunny day he'll get a boost
Which one do you choose?
Overall more trainers will choose Bellossom over Vileplume. While Vileplume might have a more intense attack, Bellossom's potential moves will benefit the most. You can acquire it to learn Acid, Leaf Blade, Razor Leaf, Blizzard Petal, or Dazzling Shard. Depending on your goals, you can choose the best combination of these choices. Some of the best in terms of damage go to Acid with Leaf Blade and Razor Leaf with Leaf Blade.
You can still choose to go both, however, if you catch two shiny Oddish Pokemon Go. You might want to pick Bellossom as your top pick, especially if you're starting to run out of backpack space.