Coaches all over the world want to know how to catch the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee. In this guide we are going to see how to capture Pokemon flawless and Pokemon Shiny more or less easily.
In Pokemon Let's GO Pikachu / Eevee, the best way to capture the strongest Pokemon and Pokemon Shiny is to repeatedly capture the same species of Pokemon in a single chain. But how many times do you have to do it?
With this short guide, you will learn about the number of times you need to capture a Pokemon IV flawless and Pokemon Shiny . To receive a Pokemon that has reached IV 31 for all statistics, you must capture the same species of Pokemon... 31 times. Pretty obvious, right? Keep in mind again that you have to do it consecutively. Never break the chain of captured Pokemon of the same species.
How to capture Pokemon Shiny and flawless
In order not to risk ruining the chain, save every time you catch a Pokemon of the same species and get out if you catch a different one. Also, if the Pokemon escapes, it will break the chain of catches. The chain will not break if you escape from a Pokemon that is not your target. You can always take into account your capture combos at the top right of the screen.
The best chance to encounter a Pokemon Shiny will also come after 31 times. This is the moment when the "Shiny Reroll " become 4, giving you the best chance to capture a Pokemon Shiny which is completely at its best in the IV.
- Capture a Pokemon from 0 to 5 times in a row: 2 flawless IV, 1 Shiny Reroll
- Capture a Pokémon 6 to 10 times in a row: 3 flawless IV, 1 Shiny Reroll
- Capture a Pokémon 11 to 20 times in a row: 4 flawless IV, 2 Shiny Reroll
- Capture a Pokémon 21 to 30 times in a row: 5 flawless IV, 3 Shiny Reroll
- Catch a Pokemon 31 times in a row: 6 flawless IV, 4 Shiny Reroll
This is what you need to know to have a better chance of capturing Pokemon Shiny and Pokemon flawless in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee .