He's even taken the Attack of the Fanboy team by storm here, resulting in plenty of guides to help players embark on the difficult Nordic adventure. However, sometimes the tips and tricks are not enough.
Perhaps survival eludes you at every turn and all you want is to venture into the dynamic lo-fi biomes on offer in Valheim. You might be looking to give your Polygon Warrior that extra edge. There are tools hidden in the game that can provide such a benefit.
Valheim is primarily PvE oriented and can even be played solo. Should you and your friends choose to ask for more help from the system, who are we to judge? Play your game your way.
In order to activate the cheats in Valheim, press F5 to bring up the console. Then type "imacheater" without the parentheses and press Enter. A message will appear saying “Cheats: True”. This confirms that the steps were followed correctly and that the game will now accept cheat code entries.
Below is a list of the cheats and console commands available for Valheim.
All console tips and commands
- imacheater - Activate cheaters
- pos - Displays the current position of the player
- go to [x, z] - Teleport to destination
- exploremap - Full map revealed
- resetmap - Resets all explored areas
- killall - Kill all nearby enemies
- tame - Tame all nearby tame creatures
- hair - Remove hair
- beard - Remove beard
- location - Place of appearance
- raise [skill] [amount] - Increase skill by amount X
- reset [skill] - Reset the skill to 0
- Freefly – Mode photo Freefly
- ffsmooth [0-1] - Freefly Sweetness
- tod -1 OR tod [0-1] - Set the time of day
- env [env] - Set the debugging environment
- resetenv - Reset the debugging environment
- wind [angle] [intensity] - Set the angle and intensity of the wind
- resetwind - Reset wind to default
- god - Activate god mode
- an event [name] - Start of the event
- stopevent - Stop event
- randomevent - Start a random event
- save - Force save
- resetcharacter - Resets the character's skill and inventory
- removerops - Remove nearby objects
- setkey [name] - Set the global key
- reset keys [name] - Reset key
- listkeys - List of global keys
- players [nr] - Set a difficult scaling based on the number of players
- dpsdebug - Enable / disable DPS overlay
Console commands
- help - List all commands (tips will not appear without the "imacheater" entry first)
- coup [name / ip / userID] - Server kick player
- ban [name / ip / userID] - Ban the player from the server
- unblock [name / ip / userID] - Remove player from server
- Banned - List of banned players
- ping - Show ping
- Lodbias [0-5] - Define the draw distance for the server
- info - Print system information