The latest Pokémon GO Halloween event is upon us, and with it, the spookiest Pokémon will be joining the game. One of these new additions will be the Dark-type Mythic Darkrai, which will be available to participate in five-star battles. from October 17 at 13:00 p.m. PT until November 1 at 13:00 p.m. PT. Here's how to find, beat, and catch the Black-Pitch Pokémon.
How to find Darkrai
During the Halloween party, Darkrai will only be available in Five Star Raid Battles. Basically, you'll have to wander from gym to gym until you find one with a Darkrai raid. By using the Nearby mechanic in the lower right corner of the screen, you can see which raids are nearby to check if Darkrai is at any of them. If you see that a Five Star Raid is happening near you soon, you will probably want to check it out as there is a good chance it will become Darkrai during the Halloween holiday days. Once you find a Darkrai raid, you can challenge it to a Raid Battle.
How to beat Darkrai
Like all five-star Raid Bosses, expect Darkrai to be ridiculously strong. You'll want to team up with as many trainers as possible, making sure you challenge Darkrai with at least ten teammates. You will get strength bonuses if you face Raid Bosses with trainers on your friend list. If you have friends who you can take on Darkrai with, you'll want to bring them along.
When it comes to your party, remember Darkrai is a pure Dark type. So enter with the Pokémon that have a type advantage against Dark. Fighting, Bugs, and Fairies are all very effective against Dark, so owning powerful Pokémon of this type is recommended. Avoid using Ghost and Psychic types as they are weak against Dark. You'll also want to make sure the Pokémon you're using are strong. They should each have at least 2 CP, but obviously the higher the better.
With a lot of strength, strategy, teammates, and a little luck, you will be able to defeat Darkrai in battle. Now it's time to try to catch it.
How to catch Darkrai
After defeating a Raid Boss, you will be given a certain number of Premiere balls to attempt to catch it. The number of Premiere balls you will get depends on many factors, such as your performance during the battle, the number of friends on your team, and the choice of your colored team to control the gym where you just fought the Boss. Raid. . The previous points, like challenging Darkrai with people on your friends list and entering with powerful Pokémon, will help increase the number of Premiere Balls you receive. You will only be able to use these Premiere balls when attempting to catch Darkrai, not the Poké, Great, or Ultra balls you have accumulated. For this reason, you'll want to do everything you can to win as many Premiere balls as possible.
Once on the capture screen, capturing Darkrai will be like trying to catch another Pokémon. You throw balls trying to land in the circle and hope for the best. Darkrai will probably move around a lot, so be careful and try to avoid throwing balls which will eventually disappear. If you have Golden Razz Berries, now is the time to use them, as they will help increase the catch rate of any Pokémon you feed them. If you don't have the Golden Razz berries, normal Razz berries will also be useful, but not as much as their Golden brethren.
Even if you do everything right, Darkrai has an incredibly low capture rate, so it will be extremely difficult to capture. If you run out of Premiere balls, you will lose your chance to catch them. Fortunately, as long as Halloween goes on, you can try again by finding a Darkrai Raid battle in a different location (as long as you have a Raid Pass in reserve). In all likelihood, you'll likely have to challenge Darkrai a few times before you can successfully catch it, so be prepared for that fatality. Good luck.