The legendary Pokémon Cobalion Generation V was recently introduced to Pokémon GO via Raid Battles. Like all 5 Star Raid Battles, defeating and catching Cobalion can be particularly difficult. Here are some suggestions on how to do this.
Beat the cobalion
Once you find a Raid Battle featuring Cobalion as the Raid Leader, you must defeat her in battle. Considering how strong the five-star Raid Bosses are, you'll want to go with as many teammates as possible. You can try attacking Cobalion on your own, but you probably won't last long. It is recommended to accompany at least 10 to 15 other coaches. Try to reach 20, if you can. Also, keep in mind that you will get strength bonuses if you team up with players on your friends list.
When it comes to the Pokémon you should use when fighting the Cobalion, be sure to only bring forts with at least 2 CPs. It is best to bring a team of Pokémon with CPs between 000 and 2 or more. You will also want to take into account the advantages of the type. Cobalion is a Fighting / Steel-type Pokémon, so it's vulnerable to shooting, fighting, and ground movement. On the other hand, it is resistant to Normal, Grass, Ice, Poison, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Dark and Steel movements.
If you have a Groudon or a Ho-Oh, it would be good to put them into battle due to Cobalion's weakness for Ground and Fire. If you don't have these legendaries, Magmortar, Hippowdon, Machamp, and Arcanine, or any other type of fire, combat, or powerful terrain are a good choice.
Cobalion Capture
Once you've defeated Cobalion in battle, your next challenge is to catch it. During this catch phase, you will receive a certain number of Premier Balls based on your performance during the battle. You will only be able to use these Premier balls, nor any Poké, Great, or Ultra balls you have collected. As such, you'll want to earn as many Premier Balls as possible.
You will be rewarded with Premier Balls based on several factors, such as your contribution to the fight against Cobalion. Some things you can do to increase the number of Premier Balls you get are fighting alongside coaches on your friend list or coaches from the same color team as you. Another point to bring your most powerful Pokémon, you will be rewarded with more Premier Balls if you deal more damage to Cobalion than your teammates. Other factors, such as challenging Cobalion in a raid battle that takes place in a gymnasium that your colored team controls, will likely be out of your control.
Once you've assigned your Premier balls, it's time to catch Cobalion. It will work as if you are trying to catch another Pokemon, in that you will throw balls, try to land in the circle, and hope Cobalion does not break free. However, Cobalion will likely jump around the screen a lot, making it difficult to hit your target. He also has an incredibly low catch rate, which makes him very likely to come out of a Premier ball, even if you managed to hit hard. Golden Razz berries will help a lot here as it will increase your chances of successful capture. However, given Cobalion's low capture rate, it will still be extremely difficult to capture, even if you are using a Golden Razz Berry. If you don't have the Golden Razz berries, you can also try regular Razz berries, which might help a bit as well.
Regardless of how you use Berry, it is very likely that you will fail to catch Cobalion on your first try. If you fail, you'll need to find a new Battle Raid featuring the Legendary Pokémon (assuming you have a Raid Pass in reserve) and try again. Hopefully, if you follow these tips, you can eventually catch the Pokémon Iron Will before it's replaced with another five-star raid.