The new Tricky Pokémon event starts on April 1 and runs through April 7 in Pokémon Go. The event focuses on Pokémon that play tricks on you or make you believe they are a specific thing, like Sudowoodo, which made his first appearance in Pokémon Silver and Gold, where he claimed to be a tree. Many other Pokémon have played tricks on players throughout the history of the franchise, and for the first week of April, they will receive a new focus.
Notable Pokémon that are going to spawn more frequently are Gastly, Haunter, Voltorb, Sudowoodo, Aipom, Croagunk, and Foongus. Shiny versions of Sudowoodo and Croagunk are also available at this event. During the Tricky Pokémon event, Stunfisk makes its in-game debut.
You will have the opportunity to capture them as part of a field research task, or you may have the rare chance to encounter them in the wild. It will be difficult to locate them in the wild, so you should instead make sure to find them as a field research task. Event-exclusive Field Research tasks could reward you with a random encounter of a Stunfisk, Sudowoodo, or a Croagunk. During the event, you will be able to locate Aipom, Wynaut, Bonsly, Croagunk, and Stunfisk in 5 kilometer eggs.
Throughout the event, all players have an increased chance of encountering a Ditto, which means he hides as one of his many forms. Ditto has been confirmed to transform into:
- Bidoof
- Gulpin
- Hoothoot
- Hoppip
- Ledyba
- give name
- Stop
- Remoriad
- Seedot
- Skitty
- Spinarak
- Venonat
- Aspicot
- Whismur
Ditto will have additional transformations during the event, but we don't know which Pokemon it is, just yet. We will update this page when we have more details. For now, be on the lookout for Ditto could become, which could include one of the highlighted Pokémon.
Make sure to take random photos of your Pokemon as a mystery one might appear while taking a picture of it. However, no details have been given on what it is. We will find out on April 1.
The Tricky Pokémon event runs from April 1, 8 a.m. to April 00, 7 p.m., in your local time slot. Make sure to roam the area meeting these unique Pokémon, and don't forget to stay safe during the event.