What Pokémon do they have? (February 2021)
There are a number of different Team GO Rocket Grunts that you can encounter in Pokémon GO, whether they are at Poké Stops or in Team GO Rocket Balloons hovering above. Not only are there different types of Team GO Rocket Grunts, but each one can also have different queues of Pokémon. That's why we've put together the list below, which is broken down based on entry based on their introductory quote and which Pokemon you can take on among the three. The only thing to watch out for is that there are two Grunts with the same quote, but one of them is for a specific Pokemon instead of a type and is very rare.
- Don't bother with us! (Grass)
- Hoppip / Bulbasaur
- Weepinbell / Ivysaur / Gloom
- Victreebel / Shiftry / Vileplume
- These waters are treacherous! (Water)
- Psyduck / Shellder
- Poliwhirl / Golduck
- Poliwrath / Politoed
- These waters are treacherous! (Magikarp only)
- Magikarpe
- Magikarpe
- Magikarp / Gyarados
- Do you know how hot Pokemon Fire Breath can get? (Fire)
- Vulpix / Houndour
- Ninetales / Houndoom
- Houndoom / Charmeleon / Arcanin
- Prepare to be shocked! (Electric)
- Magnemite / Mareep / Electabuzz
- Magneton / Flaaffy / Electabuzz
- Ampharos / Electabuzz
- Wherever there is light, there is also shade. (Dark)
- Stunky
- Sableye / Skuntank
- Skuntank / Shiftry
- Fight against my flying-type Pokémon! (Flying)
- Zubat / Golbat / Skarmory
- Crobat / Golbat / Scyther
- Crobat / Gyarados / Dragonite
- Come on, my super bug Pokémon! (Thumbtack)
- Weeds / Venonat / Shuckle
- Venomoth / Kakuna / Scizor
- Scizor / Beedrill / Scyther
- This buff physique isn't just for show! (Combat)
- Machop / Hitmonlee
- Hitmonlee
- Machoke
- Normal does not mean weak. (Ordinary)
- Teddiursa
- Raticate / Porygon2
- Snorlax / Prawyon-Z
- You will be defeated in the ground! (Ground)
- Diglett / Gligar
- Pupitar / Vibrava / Marowak
- Gliscor / Flygon
- Let’s rock and roll! (Roche)
- Larvitar / Aerodactyl
- Larvitar / Pupitar
- Pupitar / Tyranitar
- You will be frozen in your tracks. (Ice)
- Snover / Cloyster
- Snover / Abomasnow
- Abomasnow / Lapras
- Rolled up and ready to hit! (Poison)
- Nidoran ♂ / Nidoran ♀
- Golbat / Grimer / Muk
- Nidorino / Nidorina
- Are you afraid of psychics who use invisible power? (Psychic)
- Wobbuffet / Slowpoke / Abra
- Drowzee / Hypno / Ralts
- Kadabra / Hypno / Kirlia
- Ke… ke… ke… ke… ke… ke! (Fantôme)
- Twilight Skull / Shuppet / Sableye
- Dusclops / Banette / Sableye
- Dusknoir / Banette / Sableye
- ROAR! How does that sound? (Dragon)
- Dratini
- Dragonair / Flygon
- Gyarados / Dragonite / Dragonair
- No need, I have already won! Prepare to be defeated! Winning is for winners! (No specific type)
- Aerodactyl
- Poliwrath / Snorlax / Gardevoir
- Gyarados / Dragonite / Snorlax
This is our guide for a breakdown of Team GO Rocket Grunts and the Pokémon they have for the month of February. Keep in mind that this will change with the grunt brewing at the start of the month and we'll update this information once it becomes available in the game. This should help you identify which grunts you want to deal with to get whatever Shadow Pokémon you want.