Exotic Kinetic Weapons PvP
Automatic rifle:
- Intrinsic exotic: Four Headed Hound - Fires erratic bullets from all gun barrels at the same time.
- Exotic character: Spread-Shot Pack - Aiming this weapon reduces the spread of its projectiles.
Automatic rifle:
- Intrinsic exotic: SUROS Legacy - The bottom half of each magazine deals bonus damage and has a chance to regain health on killing.
- Exotic character: Rotation - Holding the trigger down increases the rate of fire.
Combat arc:
- Intrinsic exotic: Wrath of the Queen - While aiming at sites with a fully drawn bow, enemies behind walls are highlighted.
- Legendary trait: Broadhead - Piercing arrowhead that damages the target on entry and exit. One shot can overpenetrate multiple targets.
Hand cannon:
- Intrinsic exotic: Fire Fan - This weapon can be fired quickly and continuously. Faster reloading and increased accuracy on successive damage from hip shots.
- Legendary trait: Hip-Fire Grip - Ergonomic grips that increase precision and stability when shooting from the hip.
Hand cannon:
- Basic intrinsic: Memento Mori - Reloading after a magazine kill charges with a few extra bullets. Grants radar while aiming sights.
- Legendary trait: Firefly - Accuracy kills with this weapon increases reload speed and detonates the target, dealing solar damage to nearby enemies.
Linear Fusion Rifle:
- Basic intrinsic: Compounding Force - Fires slugs that deal massive damage to the elemental shields of enemy fighters.
- Legendary trait: Pause of Disruption - Shattering an enemy's shield with this weapon makes them more vulnerable to kinetic damage for a short time.
- The Arbalest is currently the only linear fusion rifle in the game that uses special ammo instead of heavy.
Pulse rifle: - Season 9
- Intrinsic exotic: Harsh Truths - This weapon fires a burst of 5 rounds. When a nearby ally is killed, gain health regeneration and increased movement speed.
- Legendary trait: Last Stand - Improved weapon performance and significantly increased recovery when its wielder is the last living member of a fire team.
Pulse rifle:
- Basic intrinsic: Corruption Spreads - This weapon creates swarms of SIVA Nanites on quick hits and precision shots.
- Legendary trait: Parasitism - This weapon deals more damage to enemies based on the number of SIVA Nanites attached to it.
Scout Rifle:
- Intrinsic exotic: MIDA Multi-Tool - This weapon increases movement speed.
- Legendary trait: MIDA Radar - Radar remains active while aiming sights.
- When equipped with the MIDA Mini Tool, a legendary solar SMG, a “MIDA Synergy” creates greater speed advantages.
- Basic intrinsic: Precision Slug - Fires a single-slug precision ball.
- Exotic character: The Roadborn - Precision briefly kills grants handling, range, and accuracy bonuses with this weapon.
Exotic Energy Weapons PvP
Combat arc:
- Intrinsic exotic: Poison Arrows - Arrows shot quickly after a full draw become poison arrows. Precision hits with poison arrows spread poison on nearby enemies.
- Legendary trait: Snapshots - Faster time to aim down.
Combat arc:
- Basic intrinsic: Split Electron - Fires an arrow that splits when released. Aiming down and fully drawing the bow decreases the spread.
- Exotic character: Lightning Rod - Precision attacks grant chain lightning abilities on the next shot.
Fusion rifle:
- Intrinsic exotic: Unplanned Reprieve - Fusion projectiles attach and detonate with delayed Void blast.
- Exotic character: Harbinger's Pulse - Multikills with this weapon immediately recharges your equipped kinetic and energy weapons from reserves.
Fusion rifle:
- Intrinsic exotic: Charge Shot - Hold the trigger to charge a follow-up shot that explodes and burns on impact.
- Legendary trait: Disoriented Shield - A shield explosion of equal energy disorients nearby fighters.
Grenade Launcher:
- Intrinsic exotic: Deferred Gratuity - Grenade projectiles will bounce off surfaces. Hold to shoot and release to detonate.
- Legendary trait: Thin the Herd - Direct hits do more damage to enemy shields. Rapid fire against enemies damaged by a grenade fills the magazine. The killed always deposit primary ammunition.
- This weapon has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it you'll appreciate that all it takes to blast your opponents off the scoreboard is a bit of primary ammo (no special ammo or power) and some measured Hourly.
Hand cannon:
- Basic intrinsic: Looks Can Kill - This weapon fires special Piercing Shield ammo. It comes with a scope. Strong against Barrier Champions.
- Legendary trait: Death at First Glance - Damage bonus when aiming down on the opening hit of an attack. This bonus is retained if the shot deals precision damage or hits an elemental shield.
- Takes special ammunition (not primary).
Scout Rifle: - Season 9
- Basic intrinsic: Revolution - This weapon fires in fully automatic mode. Hold cooldown to enter Arc Seeker mode. Bow seekers move towards enemies you target.
- Legendary trait: Dynamic Charge - Precision shots build up a dynamic charge. Switching to Arc Seeker mode increases damage and partially recharges the magazine based on the number of charges.
Handgun: - Season 9
- Basic intrinsic: Close the Gap - Variable trigger. Press and release to fire individual shots. Hold it down to reload a high powered Stagger laser. Strong against unstoppable
- Legendary trait: Pyrogenesis - Fully charging the laser fills the charger with reserves.
Trace gun:
- Intrinsic exotic: Cold Fusion - This weapon fires a stable laser powered by cold fusion.
- Legendary trait: Longest Winter - Coldheart's laser deals exponential damage the longer it stays on a target.
Trace gun:
- Basic intrinsic: Harmonic Laser - Laser damage has three power levels that oscillate when the trigger is held down.
- Legendary battery: Supercharged Battery - Collecting an Orb of Light grants a short period of maximum power that begins with an automatic recharge.
PvP Exotic Weapons of Power
Fusion rifle:
- Basic intrinsic: Eye of Ahamkara - Charging this weapon triggers a giant continuous death ray.
- Exotic character: Unintended Impact - This weapon's beam overheats its targets on impact, causing delayed explosions.
Grenade Launcher:
- Intrinsic exotic: Insectoid Robotic Grenades - Grenades in this weapon are insectoid robots that chase and detonate targets near them.
- Exotic character: Serve Colony - Insectoid Robotic Grenades quickly repopulate the Reserve Store while the Colony is unequipped.
Linear Fusion Rifle:
- Basic intrinsic: Wire Rifle - Fires a precision long-range bow bolt that blinds enemies when hit.
- Legendary trait: Hip-Fire Grip - Ergonomic grips that increase precision and stability when shooting from the hip.
Linear Fusion Rifle:
- Intrinsic exotic: Dornröschen - The weapon's laser penetrates enemies and refracts against hard surfaces.
- Legendary trait: Moving Target - Increased target movement speed and acquisition when moving while aiming sights.
Submachine gun:
- Intrinsic exotic: Reign Havoc - Killing with this weapon generates lightning strikes from above.
- Legendary trait: Feeding Frenzy - Killing with this weapon increases reload speed for a short time.
Rocket Launcher:
- Intrinsic exotic: Mad Scientist - This weapon fires a volley of rockets.
- Legendary trait: Mechanized Autoloader - This weapon automatically reloads when picking up ammo.
Rocket Launcher:
- Intrinsic exotic: Dark Deliverance - Fires projectiles from a distance that detonate Void Orbs at enemies. Hold to shoot, release to detonate.
- Legendary trait: Dark Descent - The more an empty orb falls, the more powerful its detonation becomes.
Rocket Launcher:
- Intrinsic exotic: Prototype Trueseeker - Rockets for this weapon have a tracker. Lock targets when aiming down.
- Legendary trait: Grenades and Horseshoes - Projectiles explode when near their targets.
- Intrinsic exotic: Shock Blast - This weapon fires high damage arc energy blasts that excessively penetrate enemies.
- Legendary trait: Long March - Detect enemies on your radar from further away.
- Intrinsic exotic: Repulsor Force - This weapon emits a powerful pulse that knocks enemies back, removes their abilities, and makes them more vulnerable to any incoming damage.
- Legendary trait: The Scientific Method - Damaging an opponent temporarily increases speed and maneuverability.
- Intrinsic exotic: Tesseract - While sprinting, press the designated button to perform an AoE attack. After sprinting and then jumping, press the designated button in flight to teleport forward.
- Legendary trait: Tireless Blade - Sword ammo granted for every other Motorized Sword destruction.
While the weapons on this list are widely regarded by the community as the best exotic weapons for PvP in, having the right throw on each weapon is a big help. You can check your own weapon rolls and even compare stat-stat weapons on light.gg. You can also check out our list of the best legendary weapons so far for Crucible. here.