Timing is an upcoming issue in Destiny 2 that all Guardians should be aware of. Bungie introduced procrastination as a way to remove certain weapons from the game. The reasons are many and varied, but all we really need to know is that it is happening and that many players are not happy with it.
What does procrastination actually do?
The basics of timing are that all Legendary weapons will now have a maximum power level. This limits the time that these weapons will be effective in the game, at least in activities where power methods. As the seasons go by and the maximum power level increases, the maximum level of these weapons will not be, so players will eventually reach a point where the need to replace weapons with more weapons. recent ones that are more relevant to the season they are playing.

Above you can see footage of two in-game weapons, the Duty Bound Automatic Rifle and the Ikelos SMG. The DUty Bound has a max horsepower of 1060, while the Ikelos SMG has a max horsepower of 1360. This means that the Ikelos SMG will be relevant in the game for the next three seasons, while the Duty Bound will be effectively worthless. in activities related to Power next season.
Why is Bungie introducing sunsetting?
Bungie wants to implement the timing primarily to solve the problem of power drift. Once certain weapons in the game are powerful enough or considered very effective for certain activities, this causes problems when introducing new weapons. New weapons have to be better than the best weapons, otherwise players have no reason to replace them.
To help deal with this, Bungie effectively removes the benefit of having weapons like Luna's Howl, the Recluse, and other powerful weapons.
Will procrastination affect exotics?
Bungie said the timeout will not impact the Exotics and that they will not have a maximum power level.
What happens to older weapons that reach their maximum power level?
It depends on you. You can either split them for parts or keep them for activities that don't care about the power level, like a large part of the Crucible.
Will this armor also have an impact?
Yes, armor will also be affected by temporization, although there is at least one positive change here. Starting in Season 12, the armor will no longer have a seasonally rotating fourth mod slot. Instead, there will be a mod slot that accepts mods introduced to the game over the course of a full year. This means that you won't need new armor every two seasons anymore, and sitting on huge stocks of old armor just to use older mods won't be a thing anymore.
What does this mean for the players?
This mainly means that you have to pay special attention to the maximum power level of the items that fall for you. If something isn't worth anything at the end of the season, you don't want to invest a lot of res