Kyogre is the fearsome Legendary Water-type Pokémon of the Ruby and Sapphire Pokémon. You have the chance to capture it in Pokémon Go by participating in Five Star Raids, which are some of the most difficult raids available. You won't be able to do it on your own, and even with a fully optimized team, you can barely complete it alongside two other friends. You want to take a good handful of other trainers with you when you fight it, but we've got some great tips and Pokémon counters to make it easier for you.
Kyogre's weaknesses
Kyogre is a Water-type Pokémon, which makes it weak for Electric and Grass-type attacks. You want to focus on your line-up using mainly these two types of attacks to always hit a hard hit during the raid. You want to avoid using fire, ice, steel, or other water-type attacks against him.
Pokémon to counter Kyogre
The best Pokémon to counter Kyogre are Venusaur, Tangrowth, and Exeggutor (Alolan).
Venusaur is a solid Grass and Poison-type Pokémon. Since this is a grass type, any water type attack Kyogre uses against her will prove ineffective, ensuring you keep Venusaur as much as possible. The best set of moves you can use with your Pokemon include the Vine Whip and the Frenzied Plant, but since the Frenzied Plant is an inherited move, a good alternative choice would be to use a Sunbeam.
The second choice to use against Kyogre is Tangrowth, a pure Grass-type Pokémon. This is a great option for resisting Water-type attacks from Kyogre, just like Venusaur. Tangrowth has slightly lower defense, but he has a more powerful attack, which makes him a better offensive choice. A great set of moves to have on one includes the use of a vine whip and a solar beam or electric whip. Electric whip and solar beam are relatively close in terms of damage per second, while electric whip costs half as much as solar beam, solar beam does twice the damage.
The last option you can consider using is Exeggutor (Alolan). It's a Grass-type and Dragon-type Pokémon, so you want to make sure your Exeggutor knows about Grass-type attacks to do the most damage against Kyogre. Your best movement choices include Bullet Seed and Sun Beam. Of the three, Exeggecutor has the most damage, but it has the weakest defense, so you might want to refrain from using it as your first option.
These aren't the only choices to consider when fighting Kyogre. You can also use Zekrom, Magenezone, Sceptile, Electivire, Zapdos, Luxray, Exeggutor, Leafeon, Simisage, Latios, Vileplume or Palkia. After defeating Kyogre you will have a chance to capture him, so be sure to use your best berries. You can receive more Premier Poké Balls at the end of the battle by dealing the most damage, fighting in a gym owned by your team, or completing the raid with trainers on your friends list.