New Buddy Adventure content has dropped Pokémon Go. In it, you and your buddy have a variety of activities to do together, and they can now follow you as you travel the world.
While they are following you, there are things you can do to increase their overall affection for you. Doing this increases their buddy level and they gain different and useful traits when they do so. how many levels are there?
There are four different levels of contact:
- Good buddy: Your friend can join you on your map view. You'll also see how your buddy is feeling on the buddy's profile page.
- Great buddy: Your buddy can help you in Pokémon encounters, which makes it easier to catch Pokémon. It can also bring you items that can help you on your Pokémon GO journey.
- Ultra Buddy: Your buddy will help you explore the world around you by letting you know about interesting places nearby! Your buddy will also bring you some keepsakes which you can follow on the buddy's profile page.
- Best buddy: Become best buddies and your buddy will sport a best buddy ribbon to show everyone how close you are! Pokémon you're best friends with can get a CP boost in battle as long as they're still assigned as Pokémon Buddy.
You will not be able to complete these levels in one day. You can only complete the activity list once per day, so there is a limit. You will need to tap on your friend's icon in the lower left corner to review your remaining activities for that day. You will need to feed them, play with them, refill them, and take snapshots with them.
When you want to examine your Pokémon's buddy level, all you need to do is click on your bottom icon and then hit the little hearts below their name in the top right. From there you can see what buddy level they are and what traits they have given to that level.