Telegram inaugurates the month of October by launching an update of the app dedicated to messaging with great news for its users. Come on filters to anonymous administrators, up to the new animations and emoticons on the move, there are many features that the 7.1.1 version of the app promises a better user experience.
The announcement of the new features, made by Telegram itself with a post on its official blog, indeed promises a lot to the millions of users who daily use the app for communications of all kinds, from those between individual users to groups and broadcast channels. Waiting for the function that will allow you to perform group video calls, scheduled for the end of the year after the introduction in August of video calls between two users, Telegram continues to add small and big details to an app that over time has managed to divert the attention of users of other big names. messaging client on smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and the web. One of these innovations, then, is focused on what has been the strong feature of Telegram from the beginning: the management of privacy and data and user security.
Telegram: how search filters change
The new version of the app allows you to make research, in a completely dedicated screen, of shared media, files, links and much more in all the chats present in memory. The attachments they can be searched, in fact, by category or by date (or both in a combined way), in order to have more possibilities to identify the files we are looking for. In this way it becomes easier to find the contents received, without having to navigate backwards from messages to messages, especially after some time.
Telegram: Group admins become anonymous
Telegram has always focused heavily on privacy and this new feature only underscores the client's founding purpose. With the new release, administrators will be able to choose to submit messages in groups anonymously, that is, without showing the sender's name to the participants, which instead will appear with the name of the group.
Telegram: comments in the channels, the news
Telegram channels also become more orderly with the system introduced with the latest version of the client. The new 7.1.1 feature allows you to comment on posts within channels by tapping the dedicated button. Once published, i Comments they will appear nested under the reference message and will be visible, all together, at a glance.
Telegram: new animations and animated emoticons
They are fun and it is often difficult to do without them: it is the animations which, in this version, Telegram enriches the number together with animated emoticons. Usable through the app keyboard, these moving images have become a real must for many users and their fame continues to grow. And this is tangible proof of this.
From filters to anonymous administrators: Telegram changes everything