New update for Telegram, which takes a huge leap forward in terms of video calls, the video messages and video in general. With the latest version of the Telegram app, he openly challenges not only WhatsApp, which is increasingly behind in terms of advanced features, but all messaging apps and even those to do video conferencing.
The features introduced with the update, in fact, make Telegram suitable even for artists and influencers, who will be able to use it as a streaming platform for shows and video meetings with fans in real time. But not only: the distance teaching and smartworking are now within reach of Telegram, no longer just Zoom, Teams and Meet. In short, Pavel Durov's app is changing its face in a profound way and is also doing it quickly and already today it is an understatement to call it a simple instant messaging app: it is much more. It remains to be seen, however, if and how Telegram users will seize the new opportunities and use the features just introduced in the app.
Telegram: video calls with 1000 viewers
The main novelty of the latest Telegram update is the ability to stream a videochat, with a audience up to a thousand spectators. Group video calls on Telegram allow up to 30 people to broadcast the captured video of their camera, or the content of the screen.
This content can now be broadcast to a large audience, which will become even larger in the coming months according to Telegram. Artists and influencers will be able to organize online sessions with their fans, while professors and trainers can do e-learning with Telegram.
Telegram: video messages in HD
With the latest Telegram update, the "Video messages 2.0" also arrive: now the video has one higher resolution and it is possible to touch a video message received from a contact to show it in higher dimensions, without losing quality.
With regard to the creation of video messagesinstead, there is now the possibility to do so without first having to pause any audio playback in the background.
Telegram: videos at 0,2x
Finally, a third novelty dedicated to videos is the possibility of play them at different speeds: 0,2x (only on the Android app), 0,5x, 1x, 1,5x and 2x. There is also the possibility of sharing a video with the "timestamp", that is the minute and second of the start of the video.
Telegram is updated: video calls with 1000 users