Massive update for Telegram, the twelfth of 2020 and certainly the richest of all. The main novelty is the voice chat, a unique tool of its kind that has the potential to be exploited in a thousand different ways: from work calls to leisure, through distance learning.
More news of Telegram's December 2020 update concern animated stickers, data storage on the smartphone's SD card, new animations and the ability to more easily edit images within the app. On iOS, then, there is also the possibility of letting us read Telegram messages from Siri. Finally, along with the update of the apps and the platform, the founder's Christmas message also arrives Pavel Durov: starting from 2021 Telegram will insert advertising and premium features to support the increasing costs, but the usability of the platform will not be altered by these innovations.
Telegram: voice chats
The biggest news of Telegram's latest 2020 update are the voice chat. It is a sort of audio channel parallel to text chats, which adds "a living layer to the discussion".
It is not about real group calls, because they are more flexible: the user can return to text chat (or even other apps) at any time and leave the voice chat active, but in the background.
When a voice chat is active in a group, a bar appears at the top showing who is speaking, while if the user puts the chat in the background, the microphone commands to activate or deactivate it appear on the screen.
Su Android voice chat management is facilitated by a convenient widget, while on PC o Mac you can choose a key to use as “push-to-talk”. Finally, group voice chats can participate thousands of people at the same time: the only limit is perhaps good education.
Telegram: the other news
The latest Telegram update also brings minor news, in addition to voice chats. The sticker have been optimized and now, in less than 50 kb, they offer animations up to 180 frames with unlimited resolution. There are also new animations on Android.
Also on Android, users can now edit a photo already sent and add effects, designs or stickers, while on iOS it is possible to postpone the edited photo. These are two functions that were only available on Android or only on iOS and now they are for both operating systems.
Finally, on Android, users can now move Telegram chat data to one SD card without creating problems for the app.
Telegram announces advertising
Finally, the latest news is perhaps the greatest of all: the advertisements and some new features will only be available for a fee. It starts in 2021, as announced on Pavel Durov CEO with a message on his channel.
Durov specifies that everything that is free on Telegram today will continue to be free, only some new business features will be paid. You will also pay for premium sticker sets. Advertisingfinally, it will not be inserted in personal or group chats, but only in channels from one to many.
Telegram presents a lot of news