In March, Thundurus (Incarnate Form) will be a five-star raid available throughout the month of Pokémon Go. Thundurus makes its debut, with the other Legendary Pokémon from the Forces of Nature, Tornadus, having been February's special five-star raid. These two release a clue one after the other that we might see the third, Landorus, arriving in April. With Thundurus making its debut, there is a lot of information trainers need to cover.
The Five Star Thundurus Raid will be available from March 2 at 13 p.m. PST.
Weaknesses of the Thundurus
Thundurus is an electric, flying-type Pokémon. You won't be able to rely on this Flying-type Pokémon's usual weakness in Electricity attacks. Instead, you should use Ice and Rock-type moves and Pokémon. It has Bug, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, and Steel type resistances, so you want to avoid using any of those Pokémon. He'll likely have a handful of electric and flying-type moves, so do your best to avoid the water, fight, and grass types against him.
Pokémon to counter Thundurus
The best Pokémon you want to use to fight Thundurus are Mamoswine, Rhyperior, and Gigalith.
Mamoswine is an Ice and Ground-type Pokémon capable of dealing excellent damage. He has a max CP of 3328, offense of 247, defense of 146, and stamina of 242. Unfortunately, you want to trust Mamoswine as a dealer. It won't serve you too much if you need to survive against Thundurus, but you can deal him substantial damage using slaps and mud avalanches, mud slaps and bulldozes, or powder snow and avalanches. You have a variety of choices when it comes to Mamoswine's attacks, as long as you have a strong Defensive Pokémon to help you out.
Another choice is Rhyperior, a Ground and Rock type Pokémon. Rhyperior would be a great choice and a likely and viable option for many trainers who attended the February Community Day event featuring Rhyhorn. He has a max CP of 3733, offense of 241, defense of 190, and stamina of 251. Typically, Rhyperior's variety of weaknesses make him a risky choice, but he should prove useful against Thundurus, primarily against him. it only uses electricity and flying type attacks. He has a sufficiently reasonable defense to fight this. You want him to know slam and wrecker, or smack and stone edge. While these aren't the strongest on a Rhyperior, they should do massive damage against Thundurus.
For those looking for pure, defensive Rock, look no further than Gigalith. He has a max CP of 3228, attack of 226, defense of 201, and stamina of 198. The best hits you want him to know are slam and slide. It's a great attacker and a decent defensive Pokémon to keep fighting, so you shouldn't feel too much pressure using it.
These three aren't the only choices you want to use against Thundurus. You can also use Pokémon like Glaceon, Weavile, Jynx, Tyranitar, Regirock, Golem, Golem (Alola), Armaldo, Aggron and many more. Make sure you keep the Rock and Ice type focus against him.
The five-star raids for Thundurus begin on March 2 at 13 p.m. Make sure you're ready to take on the next Legendary Forces of Nature Pokémon.