There have been hints of Mega Evolutions coming to Pokémon Go for some time following the preparation for Pokémon Go Fest 2020. During the event, Niantic spoke about it and confirmed it, but also said the team wanted to bring him to the game in a meaningful way. Niantic also confirmed small details surrounding it, such as any Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution would be capable of Mega Evolution. The Charmander you caught at the start of the game might do just that. Now the feature's strengths have arrived, and we're potentially taking a look at who will receive the first Mega Evolutions.
The Pokeminers datamining group were able to see the assets pushed by the developers into the game. These aren't the only details about Mega Evolution they've been able to discover, such as Mega Energy, timers, and various other new mechanics to come.
The first Pokémon that will be able to Mege Evolve include:
- Florizarre
- Charizard (X and Y)
- Blastoise
- Beedrill
- Pidgeot
When Mega Evolution arrives, these five elements will serve as the start of a whole new feature. They also include the glossy versions with unique coloring. We also get to see what a Mega Raid Egg will look like, and the Mega Raid Won symbol will be.
These are still not confirmed, but given the history of the group, it is extremely likely that they will be close to the final product when they go live in Pokémon Go. We still do not know how players will unlock. a mega evolution, but we've seen clues that they'll skip a quest.
More Pokémon could be pushed before Mega Evolution officially arrives, and we'll update this guide if that's the case.