Given the overwhelming number of guns, ammo, armor, and accessories, it can fry your brain with the best loadout in Escape from Tarkov. In some cases, it's enough to change an attachment or two and you've created an entirely new style of play. One fact is certain: creating loadouts can be expensive. We'll stick to the final versions, as you're mostly working with what you can afford.
It's worth mentioning that you're more than welcome to make your own mark on these builds, especially if you've hidden some material. Sometimes it's much more efficient to use these loadouts as templates and swap out whatever gear you prefer: grenades, drugs, backpacks. It makes it unique to your playing style and profitable.
To go solo
When you run solo, the VSS Vintorez will be your new best friend. You will need to provide both sides of the conversation, however. Although it is technically classified as a sniper rifle, it acts like an automatic and suffers a bit at longer range. In these cases, you have to drop the ball to be able to catch enough shots. Stick with close to medium range combat.
The 5 × 9mm SP-39 bullets complement the high rate of fire of the VSS. He will have no problem chewing through the armor and the flesh. For your eyesight the OKP-7 will do just fine, but if you prefer a different view use a B13 mount. And if you're feeling arrogant, an enlarged bezel isn't a bad choice. Complete the VSS with the SR310M 30 round magazine.
For equipment, the ANA Tactical M1 armored platform is ideal. It's an art of the trade providing class four armor, large pockets, and plenty of chest and stomach protection without compromising mobility. Mount a MICH TC-2001 helmet on your cabochon and complete your helmet with a Sordin helmet. You can change the headset according to your preferences.
To complete this loadout, bring some medicine and grenades. There is a lot of wiggle room for different play styles and favorite items. Place these items in a 6SH-118 backpack if you're looking to pick up some loot or a Camelback Tri-Zip if money isn't an issue.
The Mosin family
The Mosin loadout relies heavily on its namesake, the Mosin sniper rifle. For many, wielding a bolt is an acquired taste. If you choose to train your taste buds, the Mosin can be a powerful ally, especially if you land the first shot. One of the best aspects of the Mosin is its tendency to transcend levels, with a low-level version - the Infantry Rifle - accessible early in the game and its deadliest variation with a scope purchased from Praper LL1 (or of the market).
To complete the Mosin, you need three items: the Kochetov mount, the 3,5x PU ring, and the 3,5x PU scope. Any round of the 7,62 × 54 family is perfectly viable. Buy what works for your budget.
The equipment you use is heavier. Since you are focusing on marksmanship, defense is key if someone manages to sneak up on you. For headphones, you can't go wrong with an SSh-68. Equip the 6B23-1 bulletproof vest, offering protection against firearms, shell fragments, mines, grenades and cold weapons. Finish with an SOE Micro Rig and your favorite meds.
For new players
If you're still relatively new, but have rubles to burn, there's a great loadout that includes the M1 Rig, SSh-68 (1968 steel helmet), and AK-74N helmet. For ammo use 90x BS + 7n39 which includes ammo pouch and magazines. For equipment, throw in a Scav backpack, GSSh-01 helmet, pain relievers and a car kit. In addition, two grenades and a laser can be added to the mix, as long as you have rubles to sell or trade.
There are a few alternatives if you're willing to pinch the penny. You can replace the body armor with the 6b5-15 Armored Rig (it's usually cheaper) or drop the armor completely as it doesn't matter early in the game. The Untar helmet is a solid alternative to the SSh-68, which can be bought for almost half the price or swapped for two fragmentation glasses. Whatever your choice of gear, what you get in return is solid all-around cargo that relies on versatility.
Channel your inner weasel
The biggest downside to Escape From Tarkov is the possibility of losing what you have. You'll likely throw your keyboard out the window when you've spent thousands of rubles on equipment and hours developing a build, only for someone to grab you and go. What this load aims to provide is the greatest reward, but the least risk.
You only need one or two items: a melee weapon and a vest. You don't have a vest? Do not worry. The point of this build is to collect as much loot as possible and store it in your safe, avoiding fights along the way. In doing so, you will keep the equipment even when you die. In other words: be the biggest weasel you can be.