Leveling up for Horde is straightforward and in some ways quite boring if you like seeing a lot of different landscapes. Each race begins in its starting area and has little choice thereafter: you will end up in the Barrens (10-33) unless you are undead, in which case you can easily get to the Forest of Silver Pins. (10-20) instead then head to the Barrens.
World of Warcraft Classic: The Horde's Best Leveling Areas
It is both a blessing and a curse. This makes it easier when planning your character leveling route. You start at the beginning and move on to the Barrens. If you're bored, dive into Silverpine for a bit, then into the Barrens.
After level 12 or so, you also want to venture into the Stonetalon Mountains (14-30). This gives you three overlapping level options to jump in and keep things a little cooler instead of just desert orange all the time.
It is interesting to note that the Barrens and Stonetalon mountains are kind of technically contested areas. there are alliance or neutral quests in both areas. Don't worry, however, when upgrading your low-level character. The chances of seeing a member of the opposing faction in any of these areas are slim, no matter how technical.
While the small number of Horde-controlled areas may seem a bit underwhelming, don't worry - what the Horde is lacking in multiple territories that they make up for in multiple dungeons.
The Alliance has access to Deadmines and Stockades, and that's about it for low-level dungeons, unless they want to invade Horde territory to get looted.
In contrast, the Horde practically swims with low-level dungeons: Shadowfang Dungeons, Ragefire Chasm (in Orgrimmar), and Wailing Caverns are accessible to young people from mid to late teens, and all drop loot. decent and experience.
This means what you lack in a variety of areas that you catch up with in a variety of dungeons, which you can use to complete leveling up and equipment whenever you have enough of the quests.
Eventually you'll get past Horde-controlled areas and have to venture into contested areas, which is a whole new game.