19 groups on Telegram closed who illegally distributed national newspapers, weeklies, periodicals and even books. This is the decision of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bari who announced the decision this morning and which was immediately made operational by the financial police financiers and by the special unit for the protection of privacy who notified Agcom of the "emergency preventive seizure".
A theme, that of newspapers available for free on Telegram channels, much debated in recent weeks, especially on social networks. The decision of the Public Prosecutor of Bari creates a precedent that will certainly be followed in the future in similar areas: Telegram channels are one of the most growing phenomena in recent months and unfortunately they are also used for illegal purposes, such as the dissemination of material protected by copyright (newspapers in fact). The signature of the kidnapping comes from the prosecutor Roberto Rossi who challenges Telegram for the illicit dissemination of newspapers and magazines, the lack of control over the correct use of the tools and comes to fear even the closing of the platform in the city.
Which Telegram channels are seized
In total, 19 Telegram channels have been seized and accused of illegally disseminating copyrighted material. These are channels that every day made PDF copies of all the most important in your lenguagen newspapers, magazines, periodicals and even books available for free (and therefore illegally). According to an estimate they are more than 500.000 in your lenguagens who every day use these Telegram channels to download illicit material.
To understand what we are talking about, however, it is also necessary to explain the operation of the Telegram channels. This is a very useful feature of the messaging app that allows you to create virtually unlimited groups, where the only one who can post messages is the administrator. Users can subscribe, but cannot interact. THE Telegram channels they are widely used in the world of communications to spread news and create online communities, but unfortunately there are many people who exploit them for illegal purposes.
Why the Telegram channels were seized
The prosecutor Roberto Rossi of the Bari prosecutor disputes the Telegram operators (which have not yet been identified) a number of crimes, starting with violation of copyright until recycling. The latter is one of the heaviest accusations: according to the prosecutor's office, the Telegram managers never wanted to collaborate to identify illicit channels and, on the contrary, favored them. The prosecutor hopes that with this move the app managers will finally lend a hand, closing all channels that illegally broadcast newspapers.
Will Telegram be closed in the city?
The investigation launched by the Prosecutor's Office could lead to the closure of the application in the city in the event that it finds obstruction by Telegram. The Prosecutor's Office has given a mandate to the financiers of close the channels and in the case of asking the providers operating in the city the impossibility of accessing the channels that disseminate illicit material and the servers that host the application. What does it mean? That in your lenguagen users may no longer be able to use Telegram. An extreme decision that is unlikely to be applied
Telegram, the squeeze on groups arrives: those that give newspapers are closed