La piracy undergoes a new sting by the Guardia di Finanza of Gorizia thanks to "Evil Web", the operation with which they were put under preventive seizure well 58 illegal websites e 18 Telegram channels. Just look at the numbers to understand the magnitude of the measure, ordered by the GIP of the Court of the Isonzo city: the survey numbers show an estimated 80 million annual accesses, or about 90% of audiovisual and editorial piracy in the city.
The big hit of Evil Web is, according to what was declared by the Guardia di Finanza, a site indicated as the reference point of tricolor piracy. Among its contents available for download, at least until a few hours ago, there were software, guide and indications on the different computer methods that in a few clicks allowed to illegally enter into possession of numerous contents protected by Copyright. However, the operation cannot be said to be complete yet: the intervention is in fact focusing on the identification and blocking of the so-called alias, i.e. all the second and third level domains that often appear on the web following the closure of the original site, in order to circumvent the measures decided by the Judicial Authority. A real novelty in the city, which in the criminal field opens the doors to an even more determined path against online piracy.
Piracy: The Evil Web Provisions
In addition to the closure of Telegram sites and channels, the investigation has already led to four complaints, computer experts covered by invented names such as Diabolik, Doc, Spongebob and Webflix. It is precisely from Diabolik that Evil Web started from Friuli Venezia Giulia, reaching Puglia and Emilia Romagna, up to Germany, Holland and the United States.
To consecrate the reputation, albeit bad, of the pirates were also instant messaging and broadcasting services, used for the dissemination and identification of protected content on the network. Many multimedia products in the loot of the four IT experts: film premiere, sporting events, books and magazines, up to porn and audiovisuals belonging to pay TV.
The enormous amount of content is accompanied by equally great damage: we are talking about 500 million euros of damage in the in your lenguagen GDP and over 6 thousand jobs at risk, for a total of over one billion euros for the economy national.
Guardia di Finanza: investigations on subscribers to the "pezzotto" continue
Another key point of the investigation by the Guardia di Finanza is that of subscribers to the "pezzotto", already at the center of investigations in September 2019. This system that allows you to take advantage, even in this case in a completely illegal way, of a subscription to pay TV such as Sky, Dazn and other realities through a system of IPTV it could make its users sleep sleepless nights.
Il thousands of subscribers already identified, on the national territory and abroad, and those who will be reported later to the Judicial Authority during the operation are at great risk: the law provides in fact up to 3 years in prison and a fine of over 25.000 euros. To this could also be added another crime, the stolen punished by article 648 of the Criminal Code.
Piracy: the Guardia di Finanza closes Telegram sites and channels