In the fierce competition between online messaging apps, the watchword is "differentiation" and Telegram has always indicated the high road. An example is the introduction in early July of animated stickers, that is a kind of mix between "fixed" stickers and GIFs capable of guaranteeing a quality and fluidity superior to classic animated images.
The latest news always concerns "multimedia" communication and joins the many tools already present on Telegram. In addition to GIFs, emojis, "static" stickers and "animated" stickers, users will be able to exchange animated emojis on private chats and Telegram groups. The news will be distributed with the new update of the messaging platform, expected for the next few days.
Telegram: the new animated emojis
The new animated emojis were made known by the same Russian instant messaging platform that, in a Telegram channel created ad hoc, showed what the animated emojis will be and how they will work. The channel was created within the 5.10 beta version of Telegram for iOS, but once they are introduced they will work on any device, regardless of the operating system used.
The animated emojis, as seen in the video released by Durov himself, will be aesthetically identical to the "static" ones, but with a themed animation that makes the smileys more expressive.
When will the animated emojis arrive on Telegram
When can we use the new animated emojis? For now mouths sewn in Russia. More information on the features of the new animated emojis has not yet been officially released and nothing is known about the possible release date. For now it is reasonable to think that the new "smileys" on the move can arrive on our smartphones with the next update of the application, the 6.0.
Telegram news: here are the animated emojis