It takes 100 € and a profile Telegram to have a Green Pass Covid: on the well-known chat app, public groups open to all proliferate within which fake certificates are sold. It does not take any technical knowledge: apparently it would be enough to pay and the administrators would do all the dirty work. But we do not recommend its use because it is contrary to the safety regulations in force and the concrete risk that is run is very high.
Telegram has already been alerted and is monitoring the situation, but he is obviously not doing enough: it took us a few minutes to find the first Green Pass sales group. It is a group that has 95 members, but there are others with even more members and, moreover, it should also be considered that those who have already bought the Green Pass usually leave the group as soon as possible. Many groups, then, are none other than manifolds for a main group: have only one post, with the link to the largest group. In this way, whoever manages the main group ensures maximum visibility.
Fake Green Pass Groups: How They Work
The functioning of these groups is very simple: after registering you read the "rules", that is, you learn the method of buying a certificate Fake Green Pass.
Administrators ask for a photo of identity card and health card, in addition to the payment of 100 € for the digital Green Pass, 120 for that paper. There are even "family discounts": for four members the total cost is 300 (digital) or 350 (paper).
Payments are made in various ways:
- Paypal
- American Express
- Credit card
- Bank
- Amazon Coupons
- Coupons Zalando
- PaySafeCard coupons
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
In the group it is specified that it is 100% original Green Pass and that work when checked with Verification C19, the official government app to check if the Green Pass is valid. It is even said that it is not true that these are false passes: it is "the others" who sell false documents.
La classic rhetoric of the crook, therefore, applied to the Green Pass and conveyed via Telegram.
Fake Green Pass: what is the risk
One thing should be clarified immediately: buying a Green Pass is a scam, that is, a criminal offense. Or, at the very least, an attempted scam since it is absolutely not said that what the administrators of these groups promise is really so true: the user would find out only after paying, at the first check of the Green Pass.
Then there is a huge one privacy issue: to obtain the false certificate it is necessary to provide an identity card and health card (which includes the tax code inside). Any savvy enough scammer can use this data for steal money from us in any way possible. One above all: using them to activate contracts in our name.
Such data, then, will probably be resold to other scammers who will use them for similar purposes.
Buying the Green Pass on Telegram: how it works and what you risk