How to join Dynamax Adventures with friends
For those who want to go on Dynamax adventures with friends in particular, things can get a little confusing. You need to make sure everyone is connected online first and then talk to the scientist to start the Dynamax adventure.
Once you get to the screen that contains the options Invite others, Do not invite others, and Exit, do not select any of these options. Instead, press + to set what's called a link code. This prompts you to enter an eight-digit link code, which can be anything. You just need to make sure that everyone in the group goes in and enters the same link code. Once you do that, go back and select Invite more people. Hope this should only connect you with people in your party, but we all know that Pokemon Sword and Shield online elements can be touched and put.
You can also do Dynamax adventures with other random players or even AI players, although I don't recommend the latter due to their poor decision making in combat. To get more random players, just click on Invite other people in the above mention, but this time do it without setting a link code. Make sure you're signed in online by pressing Y and then pressing + to sign in outside of Dynamax Adventures first, as you won't be paired with anyone if you aren't.
If you just want to play with AI players due to a lack of players online or having no luck finding matchmaking partners, just select Don't Invite and it will automatically give you a group of three other players to help you instead.