Complete List of Returning Legendary Pokémon
Over the course of the eight generations of Pokémon, there have been so many different Legendary Pokémon, with the Mythic designation of some Pokémon considered distinct from the Legendaries. The Crown Tundra DLC focuses on the return of the Legendaries, while leaving most of the Legendaries behind. This means that no Darkrai or Arceus will appear this time around, but there is still plenty to be found.
As with the full lineup of Returning Pokémon available in the Pokedex from now on, you can either capture them in The Crown Tundra or simply transfer them from older games through Pokemon Home. The latter doesn't even require you to purchase the Expansion Pass, simply requiring you to download the free update. The in-game method is handled through Dynamax adventures in the Max Lair, where you can fight a Legendary at the end of the lair each time. This also includes Mewtwo which has already been introduced into the game in other raids, which is why it is not on the list. Otherwise, each of the following Legendaries is now available in Pokemon Sword and Shield starting with the release of The Crown Tundra DLC.
- Articuno
- M0ltres
- Zapdos
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Lugia
- Ho-oh
- Regirock
- Regice
- Registeel
- Latias
- Latios
- Kyogre
- Groudon
- Rayquaza
- Uxie
- Mesprit
- Aself
- Dialga
- Palkia
- Heatran
- Regigigas
- Giratina
- Cresselia
- Victini
- Tornado
- Thundurus
- Landorus
- Genesect
- Xerneas
- Yvelta
- Zygarde
- Diancie
- Volcanion
- Tapu Koko
- Tapu Lele
- Tapu Bulu
- Tapu Fini
- Nihilego
- Buzzswole
- Pheromosa
- Xurkitree
- Celesteela
- Kartana
- Guzzlord
- Poipole
- Naganadel
- Stakataka
- Blacephalon