How to check electric vehicles in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Checking a Pokémon's EVs is incredibly easy in Pokemon Sword & Shield. All you need to do is check the Pokémon summary, navigate to the stats page, then press the X button. Light yellow represents the current stats of the Pokémon and the second color represents the Pokémon's EVs. If you see blue next to yellow then the Pokémon can no longer be trained by EV, but if you see dark yellow instead of blue this Pokémon still has room to grow. Lézargus here shows blue, so he can no longer be trained by EV.
How to train EV in Pokemon Sword and Shield
The main way to upgrade a Pokémon's Electric Vehicles in Pokemon Sword and Shield is to fight against wild Pokemon. Defeating a specific Pokémon will reward specific EVs, so you'll need to be looking for a particular Pokémon if you're looking to increase a certain stat. Below is a list of easy-to-find Pokémon that reward EV for each of the game's six stats.
- Rongourmand - HP
- Khelocrok - Attack
- Charbi - Defense
- Fantominus - Special Defense
- Tournicoton - Special Attack
- Minisange - Speed
Poke Jobs also boosts EVs, but these can take a lot longer and offer less reward than just fighting savage battles. Giving your Pokémon certain items to keep, like a power weight, will increase the rate at which you gain EV. Vitamins like calcium and zinc can also be used to gain EVs directly without having to fight, albeit at a steep price. For all the specifics of EV training in Sword and Shield, we recommend that you check Detailed Process Summary by Serebii.