Anything you can catch during Unova Week cannot be Shiny, so I make sure to show you which Pokémon have had their Shiny Form previously or are newly available with an asterisk *.
Unova week starts on Friday August 14 at 13 p.m. and ends Friday, August 21 at 13 p.m. PDT (GMT - 7).
5 étoiles
- Genesect *
4 étoiles
- Alolan Marowak *
- Stoutland
- Garbodor
3 étoiles
- Amoonguss
- Palpitoad
- Liepard
2 étoiles
- Darumaka
- Ferroseed
- Rye rola *
- Stunfisk
- Whirlipede
1 star
- Cottonee
- Dwebble *
- Sounds *
- Pétilil
- Timburr *
7 km eggs received as gifts during the event duration can hatch any of the following:
- Cottonee
- Darumaka
- Emolga
- Minccino *
- Pidove *
- Sewaddle
- Woobat *
Among these hatches, there are three new evolution lines: Cottonee can evolve to Whimsicott, and Sewaddle can evolve to Swadloon, then Leavanny. Emolga has not evolved and will likely hatch at a much slower rate than the others. None of these three new Unova Pokémon can be shiny.
The bouffalant is also released specifically in the New York area and will be available in eggs from that region.
Research tasks
Win a raid: Roggonrola *
Use 5 berries to help catch Pokemon: Drilbur, Lillipup *, Patrat * or Purrloin
All spawns
- Blitz
- Bouffalant (only in New York)
- Cottonee
- Dwebble *
- Emolga
- Karrablast
- Lillipup *
- Oshawott
- Square *
- Purrloin
- Rye rola *
- Sewaddle
- Shelmet
- Snivy
- Tepig
* Shinies currently released in the game.
My recommendation would be to focus on finding the rare Pokémon you want like Emolga, Sewaddle, and Cottonee. The 7km Eggs may not be reliable for hatching the Pokémon you really want, and this time around, there aren't any Egg-exclusive Pokémon. Try to find the research quests that reward with Unova Pokemon for more chances of shinies with a high evaluation. Prioritize raids for Pokémon that have their shiny form available. The more Pokémon you can check out, the more likely you are to be brilliant, remember to stay safe and socially distanced.
The Go Fest 2020 makeup day also arrives on Sunday, discover the highlights that deserve to be revisited!