Special Research Guide "The Higher They Fly"
Here are all the tasks and rewards for the new Team GO Rocket special research quest titled “The Higher They Fly”. It just released in parts of the world on February 28 and will roll out as time zones catch up. Check your game to see when you have it. We'll update this as more tasks and rewards become available to players, so check back often until it's completed. We'll also have guides to help you defeat the leaders of Team GO Rocket and their boss, Giovanni. So watch out for these if you need help.
Step 1 of 6
- Win a raid - 15 Poké Ball
- Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts - 3 Hyper Potion
- Catch 1 Shadow Pokémon - 3 Revive
Rewards: 10 Pinap Berry, 10 Nanab Berry and 10 Razz Berry
Step 2 of 6
- Catch 5 Shadow Pokémon - 1 Sun Stone
- Make 3 nice Curveball throws in a row - 15 Great Balls
- Catch 10 Flying-Type Pokémon - Doduo Encounter
Rewards: 1500 XP, 500 Stardust, 10 Pidgeot Mega Energy
Step 3 of 6
- Purify 5 Shadow Pokémon - 30 Mega Energy Pidgeot
- Vaincre 5 Team GO Rocket Grunts – 30 Pidgeot Mega Energy
- Earn 3 candies walking with your buddy - 30 Pidgeot Mega Energy
Rewards: 2000 XP, 1 Rocket Radar, a Pokémon encounter
Step 4 of 6
- To be determined
Rewards: to be determined
Step 5 of 6
- To be determined
Rewards: to be determined
Step 6 of 6
- To be determined
Rewards: to be determined
And that's our special Pokémon GO “The Higher They Fly” research guide that gives you all the tasks and rewards for the new Team GO Rocket quest. Some steps will take a while, so watch for updates as we have them. And don't forget to check out our other guides to help you beat any of the leaders or Giovanni himself, once they're available.