Pokémon GO Grubhub + Special Weekend Details
Let's start with a few details so that you understand what's going on here. If you've already read all the topical articles and understand when and what it all means, you can skip ahead to find out how to get your ticket. For the rest of you, read on for all the special weekend details you need to know.
The Pokémon GO Grubhub + Special Weekend will take place on Sunday, November 8, 2020, starting at 11:00 a.m. and continuing until 14:00 p.m. at your local time. Players with a ticket will receive special benefits during these hours, including a special research quest that will offer the following rewards: three incense, a star piece, and 100 Charizard Mega Energy, as well as encounters for Chansey, Spoink, Mawile, Bronzor, Gible and Sewaddle.
Additionally, incense during the event will last for an hour and attract the following Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Pikachu, Unown G, Unown H, Sableye, Patrat, Minccino, and Ferroseed. Shiny Unown isn't available this time around, but Ferroseed's shiny form could pop up for you if you're lucky. Of course, to participate in all of this you need a ticket, so here are the steps.
How to get Grubhub + special weekend ticket
To get a ticket for the Special Grubhub + Weekend in Pokémon GO, the first thing you need to do is go here and enter your email before October 28th. If you've already subscribed to Grubhub +, you're pretty much done. Within 48 hours you will receive an email from Grubhub and eventually get your ticket closer to the event on November 4th. However, if you are not a member, you still need to enter your email address and you will receive an email within the same timeframe.
By using this email you can sign up for a free trial of Grubhub +. This will last for 14 days and it looks like it doesn't need to be active on the day of the event. However, I would still advise a little patience during registration so that you are safe to get your ticket on the 4th. Once you have registered for the free trial of Grubhub + using the link on the email, you should be ready to receive the ticket. You can also cancel anytime you want to be sure you won't be charged, if you don't want to continue with the service.
Now you know how to get a ticket for Grubhub + Special Weekend in Pokémon GO. Check back during the event for more help with special research.