The big raid boss coming to Pokemon Go this month it's about Giratina (Altered Forme), and trainers are going to have to bring their best Pokemon to face it. He's a massive creature, determined to bring you and your team down. You're going to need to team up with some friends to defeat this legendary Pokémon, so get ready to bring your A-game. While you can fight it with your strongest Pokemon, you want to make sure that you bring the best choices. Here's what you need to know about Giratina.
Giratina's weaknesses and how to fight it in Pokemon Go
Giratina is a giant ghost and a Dragon-type Pokémon. You're going to want to bring a Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, or Ice-type Pokemon with you into the fray. Considering the specifics of this Pokémon, you might be hard pressed to find a full list of these types. You cannot use traditional types of fire, water, grass, or air. These are generally the easiest to find, while particular types require events or luck with a specific Pokémon Egg that you've hatched.
Either way, it's better to have that knowledge than not to know what you're going into first. What are your choices for each type?
- Absolutely
- Houndoom
- Tyrantiar
- Umbreon
- Sneasel
- Shiftry
- Cacturne
- Sharpedo
- Crawdaunt
- Rayquaza
- Latios
- Dragonite
- Salamence
- Latias
- Flygon
- Kingdra
- Shelgon
- Altana
- Gardevoir
- Granbull
- Clefable
- gengar
- Banette
- Misdraevus
- Dusclops
- Regice
- Articuno
- Whale clean
- Lapras
- Jynx
- Cloyster
- Piloswine
- Glalie
- Sneasel
These are not your only choices for all types. But you're going to want to choose from among these candidates. These are some of the strongest in their classes, so if you have any, make sure they're lined up to fight Giratina. The ghost and fairy types will be the hardest to find on your list. Genger is without a doubt a solid choice, and Gardevoir is another, especially since they had a Ralts event quite recently. Several trainers will probably have a Gardevoir on their list. You have plenty of time to train them and make them stronger before you take them out.
The Ice, Dark, and Dragon types are probably your best bet. Unfortunately, dragons might be the hardest to locate, as many of them are limited to legendary events or are hard to find. Dark and Ice will probably be the most frequently used, so increase your roster with these options to prepare for battle.
If you're unlucky and don't have any of these options, don't be discouraged. These raids consist of working with teammates to take out a big boss. Talk to your friends and tell them how they can help otherwise. They might even have a few spare Pokemon that they could use to make your team even more useful. Talking to teammates is better than choosing to sit down in general.
There are six different Ex Pokemon Go raids happening in October. You have two more chances to catch Giratina this month, October 9-16. They will take place from 18:00 p.m. to 19:00 p.m. during your local time, so stop working as fast as you can, grab a bite to eat, and jump outside with your friends to start your raids. Giratina is not going to be waiting for you forever.