Minecraft Update 2.18 patch notes
New features
- Added a new achievement screen design and a brand new achievement illustration
- Over a dozen new character creator items have been added and can be unlocked with achievements
changes-and-fixes">Vanilla parity changes and fixes
- Sea turtles now make a sound when laying eggs
- Dolphins will now dry at the same rate as in Java Edition; 120 seconds
- Intact repair items will no longer prevent damaged repair items from being repaired.
- Basalt can no longer be destroyed by Ghast fireballs
- Basalt blocks now take a little longer to destroy
- TNT no longer activates when a Redstone torch is placed directly on it
- Check out the orbs now floating in the water
- Netherite movement adjusted in lava
- Netherite armor no longer suffers a loss of durability while on magma blocks
- Hero of the Village and Curing Zombie Villagers trade discounts now match the Java edition
- Phantom Wings now make flapping sounds
- Pistons can no longer be extended above build height limit or in a vacuum Brew Stands can now be crafted with Blackstone
- Players can now create farmland with the / give command and choose them with Pick Block
- Cod and Salmon killed by fire damage now drop cooked fish
- It is now possible to place chains so that they are aligned horizontally
- Floor and ceiling area generation now correctly matches Java edition
- Soul Sand Valleys now have Soul Soil and Soul Sand covered ceilings
- Basalt deltas now have basalt ceilings
- Walkers with passengers can now be tempted
- Piglins now drop their inventory when zombified
- Allow Piglins and Piglin Brutes to preserve gear when zombified
- Piglin Brutes now grants 20 experience points instead of 10 when killed by a player
- Lanterns can now be placed underwater and will not jump when a water source block is placed on them
- Piglins now offers barter items similar to those in Java Edition
- Soul Fire no longer melts snow or ice blocks
- Zombified Piglins no longer float above Striders while rolling
- Warped Mushrooms can now grow in Crimson Forests
- Piglins now offer Nether Bricks instead of Nether Brick Blocks when bartering
- Baby Zoglin and Baby Hoglin now have drops after being killed by the player
- Baby Zoglins now have cute oversized heads
- Wither's skeletons now automatically attack Piglins and Piglin Brutes
- Hoglins will now flee from respawn anchors.
- Iron Golems now attack Hoglins
- Zoglins now take damage from the healing effect and heal from the evil effect.
- If the Chests in the Ruined Portal contain Shiny Melon, they now only contain a single slice of Melon
- Zombified piglins who are jockeys on the Striders now hold a warped mushroom on a stick
- Piglin Brutes no longer have Enchanted Golden Axes
- All expected Nether plants can now be composted
- Crimson and Warped Fungus can now be placed on Mycelium
- Soul Speed enchantment found in chests is now limited to chests in Stronghold Remnants
- Soul Campfires now drop Soul Earth instead of Charcoal when mined.
- Increased Strider health from 15 to 20 (MCPE-76425)
- Piglins can now equip shields, elytra, turtle shells, and various creature heads
- Piglin Brutes no longer get angry over breaking specific blocks, they still attack a player on sight.
- Zombified Baby Piglins now correctly display items held in their hands
- Quick Piston Crafting will now work with Warped Planks and Crimson Planks.
- Baby Hoglins now deal appropriate damage
- Piglins now appear naturally in Void Waste on Peaceful difficulty
- Added several new experimental toggles to enable previews of upcoming engine technology and support add-ons and Marketplace content
- Added new Mojang Studios logo splash screen on Android devices
- Performance / stability
- Fixed a crash that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the player opened a Shulker Box they were standing on after joining a multiplayer session
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a player joined a game while in a standby state
- Improved reliability of Nintendo Switch players joining other Nintendo Switch games
- Adding beacons to the Ender dragon will no longer crash the game when reloading the world
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a stunned entity was charged into the world
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Player 1 in a split screen session disconnected their controller
- Optimization of block loading performance
- Various bandwidth optimizations
- General
- Fixed worlds disappearing from the world list when crashing when starting the world on Xbox One
- The achievement "The Beacon" can now be reliably unlocked
- The "Archer" can now be reliably unlocked
- Fixed 'Super Fuel' achievement not being awarded when using a Lava Bucket in an Oven
- 24-bit PNGs without alpha channels are no longer accepted as valid custom skins
- gameplay
- The fishing rod will now be properly cast near a crowd
- Custom named boats and minecarts will now save their name after placement and breaking. Their names will also be displayed around the world.
- Fixed empty worlds being generated after closing a PS4 world import halfway through the process
- End City Loot Chests now generate correctly
- Fixed players and monsters not taking damage when walking through berry bushes
- Killing mobs that have armor equipped with ranged weapons now results in armor loot
- monstre
- Villagers are no longer locked into the wrong profession
- Bees now leave their hive / nest after a time limit in the End and Nether dimensions
- Hostile mobs can now spawn in thunderstorms during the day
- Foxes no longer take damage when falling on berry shrubs
- Fixed Vex movement along x and z directions
- Blaze now switches between melee attack and ranged attack based on player distance.
- Mob's inactivity timer will now reset when within 32 blocks of the nearest player
- Mowing a Snow Golem now drops a Carved Pumpkin
- Terrestrial turtles and dolphins will now move successfully to the water
- Ghasts reappear at all light levels
- The crowds in the lava were unable to find a way. This fix allows them to enter a lava block if they are already in the lava
- Creatures can no longer move Minecarts they are in
- Crowd spawn range now adapts to simulation distance
- Villagers from older versions now properly increase when trading
- Improved performance of village farmers during harvesting or sowing
- Fixed a bug that could prevent village farmers from harvesting
- Player-mounted Striders now jump on magma blocks as well as unfilled blocks in front of them when guided by Fungus on a Stick
- Baby animals can be tamed again, before they grow up
- Bees can now only exit beehives and honeycombs through aerial blocks
- Slimes can now spawn as Slime Pieces inside Frozen Biomes
- Blocks
- Fixed an issue where some walls were not properly connected on the World Load
- Walls converted from Console Edition saves are now properly attached
- The water from the bubble columns is now flowing as it should
- Hoppers with containers on top of them can no longer pick up dropped items
- The closing gates now line up with the walls of Blackstone
- Placing blocks on Crimson Roots and Warped Roots will now properly remove roots)
- Target blocks no longer feed additional blocks above them
- Beehives and honeycombs now display the correct frontal texture
- Lava and Water textures are now visible after placing the Slime Block or Honey Block next to or on top of them
- End gateways now correctly calculate the distance to the center block when finding an exit position
- Plants and crops now grow more steadily when they are near the edges of chunks
- Brown and red mushrooms can now be grown into huge mushrooms on Nylium
- Cocoa Beans can now be placed and survive on all Jungle Wood variants
- Gravity-affected blocks no longer break when their support block is moved by a piston
- Falling blocks now break after falling for long periods of time
- Podzol no longer generates under the top layer when spawning large spruce trees
- Observer block textures no longer get stuck in an active state after being moved by a piston
- Fixed a bug that could cause falling blocks to duplicate near a portal
- Fixed an issue that prevented rails from being fed properly along the x axis
- Young trees no longer mistakenly turn into honeycombs when next to a tree and flowers
- The dragon egg no longer disappears if placed on the pedestal and the Ender dragon has respawned
- Panels can no longer be placed on end rods
- Blog
- Compass objects will now point in the correct direction when the player is in a boat
- Compasses with custom names now retain their names when linked to a Lodestone
- Compasses with Vanishing Curse will now retain their enchantment when tied to a Lodestone.
- Lodestone compasses can now be enchanted with the Curse of Disappearance using an anvil
- Boots enchanted with Soul Speed no longer get stuck on creatures or player after breaking.
- Molten items (prior to 1.13) no longer contain incorrect damage values and can be stacked
- Dropped items no longer float too low on the ground
- Dragon Egg now always drops when destroyed by explosion
- Totem of Immortality now applies the correct effects on death
- Armor no longer gets stuck in the hot bar after interacting with an armor stand
- Fixed map color representation for multiple blocks
- XP orbs once again ignore world lighting, allowing it to always be at maximum brightness
- Banner patterns can now be crafted in the 2 × 2 crafting grid
- The "Thing" banner can now be crafted at the loom
- Fixed an issue that prevented item durability from being awarded until a world was reloaded
- Spawning Eggs can now be used on an Underwater Monster Generator
- Fixed stacks of abandoned items becoming invisible after merging with another stack of items
- Iron Pickaxes can now be dropped by mobs during raids
- Kingdoms
- Added more detailed error messages with possible solutions when a world fails to upload to a realm
- Fixed a crash that occurred when downloading large worlds from Realms
- Selecting the "Manage" button for Realms subscriptions now opens the appropriate Microsoft account page
- Content owned through a Realms Plus subscription now travels across all platforms
- Graphic
- Fixed an issue with skybox background graphics not displaying correctly on some devices
- Fixed missing animation issue when damaging bamboo
- Fixed a graphical issue with glass blocks on the City Living world that affected some devices on Windows 10
- Input 'Chat and Controls' UI element on the touchscreen now has a darker border
- the audio
- Music is no longer interrupted when entering the water of ocean biomes
- Reduced raid horn sound
- Craft Screen
- Various improvements to the Crafting Screen experience when using a controller
- Cobblestone is now displayed as the default ingredient for stone tools
- Inventory items will no longer move around the crafting grid when hovering over recipes
- The selected recipe will no longer be deleted when changing tabs, even if you do not have all the ingredients needed for this recipe
- Picking up items while the cursor is over a recipe is now updated with the new recipe index
- Crimson and Distorted Stems / Hyphae are now in their correct Creative Inventory groups.
- Nether and Warped Wart blocks are no longer in an unfold section in the creative menu
- Structure blocks
- Removed name field from structure block 3D export screen
- Fixed incorrect block position calculation for block changes that occur during the structure block preview window
- Loading / saving structure no longer affects check blocks in nearby blocks
- Fixed the Reset button not rendering the wire bound bounding box
- User interface
- Added Noto Sans font license button and pop-up dialog in Profile section of Settings screen
- Updated splash texts and tips on the loading screen
- Fixed system language settings for Simplified and Traditional Chinese not being respected by the game
- Fixed an issue that caused the block highlight / selection area to extend above blocks
- The time played is now displayed correctly on the achievements screen
- Beacon container interface no longer shuffles items in inventory slots when trying to quickly move inventory items while the shortcut bar is full.
- Pressing the "Leave Boat" button on touchscreen devices will no longer hit a passenger or destroy the boat.
- A button icon has been added to the NPC dialog screen to indicate which gamepad button to press to close the window (education function)
- Hover location data is now correctly erased whenever the cursor is moved from an item location. This way gamepad assistants are correct when not hovering over an item slot.
- The item name text that appears when the player changes the selection on the shortcut bar now anchors from the bottom. This way when he grows he will not overlap with the shortcut bar
- Fixed the "Profile" button in the Pause menu that was not sized correctly
- The indication "Ride Exit" now erases the messages from the action bar
- The Smithing Table screen now contains the hammer icon and UI elements display correctly when using the "Pocket" UI profile setting
- Custom names now change boss bars
- Grindstone will no longer display a result unless it modifies the item. Fixed issues with navigating between featured items, achievement rewards, emotes, and the locker room
- The Change Gamertag and Manage Account buttons on the Settings screen now open xbox.com URLs on iOS and Android
- The locker room now displays cached items when not connected to the internet
- My Orders
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the "/ fill" command to fill huge amounts of blocks with Portal blocks
- Title control text and background (title, subtitle, and action bar) have been adjusted and spaced
- Fixed a bug where a request queued with "/ schedule" was not cleared when executed and executed when re-entering a level
- Added to the '/ schedule on_area_loaded' command with an overload that allows you to track a circular area, specifying a center and radius. Adding serialization for the request queue
- Fixed issues with the '/ schedule' command which would consider a zone loaded before it is actually loaded, and the command now respects the dimension it is queued in
For more information on this update, visit the official Minecraft site.