This method was shared by Von Vikton on YouTube, and it's a verified useful way to boost your inventory. The only problem is that you will have to unlock the Panda tray. You can learn more about it in our Panda Plateau Secret Level guide here. The method is fairly straightforward, you just need to reach the “cross the canyon” objective and find an optional path with an accessible gate. If the door does not appear, you will need to reset the zone and try again.
With all of this out of the way, we can get to the right things. Here's how to use the Panda Tray for the most efficient farming.
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Panda Plateau Farming Guide
Once you've unlocked the Panda Board, you can run it for extreme levels of high-level loot. Obviously, you'll want to increase the difficulty to the highest level possible - and you'll want to equip a build specifically for speedrunning.
Boots of Celerity et Speed synergy are going to be useful, but what sets this dungeon apart is the number of ranged enemies. It's there that Ghost cloak can really help you escape bad situations.
- le Evocation robe Gives you an improved artifact cooldown and faster movement speed, making it great for speed.
- You will also want to get Deviate for your armor to protect against all those incoming arrows.
The evocation robe is a handy item for the quick run, and if you haven't got it yet, you can run Panda Tray to get the best version. If you don't have everything you need, you can still earn a lot of loot on the Panda Board - it'll be slightly slower, but the better gear you find, the faster you can finish.
The way is simple. Just run everything until you meet some special events where the chests will be guaranteed. Sprint and dodge enemies when you don't need to fight - they'll only slow you down. Here's where and when to find all of the chests you can collect in the area.
- Gold Chest: When you reach the bridge, you get the objective "Explore the bamboo forest". Eliminate all enemies that appear in this event to get a chest.
- Gold Chest: Come back to the bridge and follow the path to the right leading to the "Rescua Pandas" objective. Complete it to enter the cave - the number of chests you will find here is random. Look for long, hallway-shaped paths that lead to a dead end. They will always have golden chests.
- Obsidian chest: Found in the cave of the Panda Plateau. Obsidian chests always spawn in areas marked by mushrooms, in small, round rooms with a fountain inside. Depending on your luck, 1 or 2 may appear in the caves.
- Gold Chest: Another golden chest will always appear if you find a mini dungeon door in the caves. Complete the sub-dungeons and a golden chest will appear.
- Gold Chest: A chest can spawn in a side area with small huts you can enter. One of the huts will generate a swarm of mud. Clear them and this chest will appear.
- Gold Chest: Off the main path, you can also find gold chests on raised brick structures in the jungle. Look for stone stairs! Often times, however, you will just have a regular lame chest.
- Gold Chest: On the large bridge, a gold chest will always appear in one of the houses. Check out every house on the deck!
Here are all the chests you can get! It's random, but if you check off all of those areas, you're still bound to find at least a handful of chests on each run. There is also a high chance of obtaining Obsidian Chests. This makes it one of the best places to farm useful material in the game. It will take a bit of practice, so be prepared to do a few runs through this stage before you master it.