Cinder Drift – Ruby Weapon Extreme Phase 2: Attaques
The Nael van Darnus part of Ruby Weapon Extreme is nothing like what you just fought, so you'll have tons of extra attacks to learn if you want to conquer this fight. Like the Phase 1 guide, I break down the attack below before moving on to the timeline and strategy needed to beat this phase of combat. Those who are already familiar with the attacks feel free to move on. In short: Nael doesn't leave the center of the arena during this fight, and his hitbox is omnidirectional.
Much like the Normal Cinder Drift fight, has Nael summon Dalamud, with his power displayed in the service gauge. If this number is ever greater than zero when crashing into the arena the group will wipe out. Killing Crow Image Monsters or Comet Additions will reduce this counter by 50.
sees Nael summon two images of Raven that will make Nael invulnerable. If they aren't killed before Dalamud crashes, the party wears off. One will be orange and the other blue, and players will themselves receive an orange or blue debuff. Whatever color they have, they have to attack the opposite image.
is an AoE that will target DPS and deal heavy damage. DPS should avoid soaking other players.
is an Image damage buff. During the battle against additions, two ghosts will be summoned which can be used to remove the buff. These ghosts cannot be attacked, and if they collide with a player, they will explode, dealing massive damage to the entire raid while slapping everyone with a damage debuff, making footage more difficult to see. kill. Ghosts should be carefully kited to the opposite color frame, where they will remove the damage buff.
is a donut AoE that the Images will evoke, although it's small enough to avoid with the scope.
is yet another AoE that the Images will launch, but this one will be centered around them. Flee the image to avoid.
is a tankbuster that hits multiple times and can prove to be fatal if the image got up. Mitigation, strong healing, and conscious DPS will make this attack an easy attack to survive.
will see the images swap colors, so everyone will need to swap targets, tanks included.
comes from Nael herself, and players have to look away for fear of being feared. Considering that the edge of the arena is a giant pit of instant death, players want to avoid fear at all costs.
this is where things get spicy. Nael will target all eight players in a Fallen set with a meteor, and if a meteor lands near another meteor, it will explode, killing the entire party in the process. The meteors explode on their own after a short duration, although all eight meteors prove to be vital if players wish to survive the attack after Phase one cardinal and inter-cardinal waypoints will be used to handle this attack.
is a massive boulder that descends from the sky and works like any other giant meteor attack in the game: you have to break line of sight with where it will land to avoid dying. This is where the eighth comes in.
is a minor recoil from Nael that can be ignored with Arms Length and Surecast. Otherwise, get close to Nael to avoid entering the outer wall of death when you are knocked down, and position yourself to be thrown behind the eighth meteor.
are the comet adds that I mentioned earlier. It works much like the attack in normal mode, but with a little twist. There will only be two comets that will fall after following a set of spinning arrows that start at the east and west edges of the arena, and these have to be grabbed by the tanks, period. Players then assassinate the comets not only to save the tanks from eventual death, but to reset them back to zero. Otherwise, it's a wipe.
will mark two random players, and an AoE line will shoot from Nael towards them after the distribution bar fills up. This is happening during so for the love of all good, aim them away from the tanks supporting the comets. Oh, and other players too.
is the Optimized Ultima of this phase, and will be spammed at the end of the fight until the rage is hard. Either heal through at the end and burn the boss, or drop when Dalamud hits.
Cinder Drift – Ruby Weapon Extreme Phase 2: Stratégie
So let's break down these attacks into a reasonable timeline:
- Meteor Project
- Negative person
- Meteor Stream and larger memory
- Lunar dynamo and iron chariot
- Meteor Stream and larger memory (with ghosts)
- Ruby Claw
- More memory and a change of heart
- Lunar dynamo and iron chariot until the death of the images.
- Negative aura
- Impact the Dalamud
- Overhaul of the Meteor project
- Meteor Mine, Screech et Magitek Meteor
- Comet Mark II Magitek
- Bradamante, twice
- Meteor Project
- Outrage, more Outrage, and a little more Outrage until ...
- You win, or the last Dalamud Impact kills you all.
To kick off this phase of the Ruby Weapon Extreme encounter, you can either keep your cues as they were from Phase 1 or reset them to get them out of the Death Wall. Whichever you choose, make sure everyone remembers their missions for Meteor Mine. Once fired Nael with the start of Meteor Project, and shortly thereafter will summon the images of Raven with negative Personae. The tanks should grab the additions and separate them, preferably taking one in the west and one in the east. The first Meteor Stream will trigger, so DPS should be mindful of their surroundings and Healers should be prepared to unleash great heals in their own way. The first upper memory turns off, but no ghost appears.
Images will randomly launch Lunar Dynamo or Iron Chariot after Meteor Stream, but ranged classes can comfortably hug the southern edge if the images were positioned correctly on the eastern and western edges. A second upper memory will be launched shortly after, this time with ghosts, so affected players should once stack on the tank of the opposite color image, and everyone should step away from the tether. , otherwise the ghosts will explode.
A second meteor vapor will be launched as the ghosts are pulled towards their respective image, so affected players and tanks will have to shake slightly to the side of the image to avoid soaking the tanks. Ruby Claw will also shut down at this time, so tanks should tone down the attack.
The images will produce a third upper memory (no ghosts), in addition to Change of Heart, so everyone will need to swap targets. The mechanics will repeat after the swap, but you must kill the frames before Dalamud Impact happens to reset the gauge and survive. If one dies before the other, the color fade will be removed, so everyone can dogpile on the remaining image. Once the two have fallen, you can attack Nael again.
About 15 seconds before Dalamud's strike (and I hope you killed the Images) Nael will cast a negative aura. Everyone needs to look away before the distribution bar fills up or they'll be feared and run into the wall of death. Recover defensive cooldowns and prepare healers to deliver heavy heals once Dalamud's impact is reached.
After Dalamud Impact, Nael will launch Meteor Mine and Magitek Meteor. Players will notice a numbered mark above their heads, and the easiest way to resolve this mechanic is to have everyone eight run their meteor towards their assigned waypoint. You can try going clockwise to the numbered Fallen, but it's more complicated than leaving everyone on bail at their assigned location.
The eighth meteor should be dropped slightly closer to the center, but still in line with the player's marker to avoid spawning more meteors. After that, everyone should stack in the center and the healers should heal from the light proximity damage. Nael will launch Screech before Magitek Meteor lands, so you have two options here: you can either stand behind the eighth meteor and use Arms Length / Surecast to ignore recoil, or you can position yourself to be knocked down through the meteor. , you and everyone else to see the Magitek Meteor. As Magitek Meteor lands, everyone must get away from the meteors to prevent them from exploding. Running to the center works well if the eighth meteor hadn't fallen too close to the middle.
Comet Mark II Magitek will be deployed after that, so both tanks must escape and secure their respective comet. They have to stand in the last glowing arrow or else they will miss the comet and everyone will have a bad day. A tank recharge time beforehand can help minimize damage taken while holding a comet, and will help your healers. All players should focus their fire on one comet at a time, to ease the burden on healers.
Bradamante will be cast twice during this game, and afflicted players should move sideways to aim for the AoE away from tanks / comets. The easiest way to do this is to attack Nael while he was away from the party until Bradamante is resolved. Another Dalamud impact will occur, and if the comets are killed in time, your party will enter the final burn phase.
Meteor Project will be overhauled, and there will be no way to bring the Dalamud Reborn gauge back to zero from this point on, so everyone has to go crazy. Nael will spam the hell out of the Outrage, so the healers will be under surveillance during this latest surge. Do or die here, and if you can't kill Nael before the finale, enraging Dalamud Impact then you don't have the required DPS. Cleaning up and avoiding kills throughout the fight should keep you on track for a kill, however.
And that's it: you have defeated Nael van Darnus (again) and completed Cinder Drift: Ruby Weapon Extreme. Good luck with your gun throws, and I hope this guide has helped you find the success you have so dearly earned. I would also like to thank Lyra Rose and the community who understood a lot of this on the first day of the patchet which I referred to work by cross-checking my own findings. Long live everyone and good hunting.