Minecraft is one of those games where you can play 1000 hours on the same file and still have so much unseen terrain to wade through. Open world and sandbox games are great, but sometimes you want to set up camp in two locations that are not close to each other.
Walking back and forth in this case would take too long, and if you're in vanilla solo Minecraft, there's no way to teleport. However, there are faster alternatives to walking. Here are the 5 fastest ways to travel in Minecraft.
1. Boat

If we are talking about direct speed, nothing in Minecraft is faster than a full speed boat. If the distance between your two locations is mostly or all of water, this method will easily get you back and forth in a reasonable amount of time. If only a little bit of land is in your way, you might even want to dig a canal. A boat is the easiest travel system to acquire as it is built with only 5 planks of the same color. The boat will also be this color.
2. Horse

If your trip is mostly land and it's not a regular trip that you plan to do over and over again, the best choice for you would be a horse. In order to control a horse, you must both tame it and own a saddle. Saddles can be found in various chests such as those inside dungeons and mine shafts. If you want your horse to stay put without a stable, you'll also want to have a leash (and fence post). This can be done with a ball of slime and a string, or take it from the wandering trader. If you want to bring extra items, the alternative of a donkey is also a good choice.
3. Minecart

This one requires some setup, so make sure the trip will be repeated, otherwise it's not worth it. First, you're going to need some rails. Base rails, loaded rails and redstone torches. You will place your track by spacing the loaded rails at a distance of 7 blocks and activate them by placing redstone torches next to them. (The activator rails are also okay) Place your minecart and let your automated travel system do the work. Enter the cart, walk away and come back to the other side.
4. Void Portal

This one is a bit tricky, but figuring it out is worth it. If you are traveling a long distance (think 1000+ blocks) to the upper world and have a bottom portal at home, build another bottom portal at your new location. The two Nether portals will be closer to each other in the Nether than in the Overworld because the Nether is smaller. Although nothingness can be dangerous, if you find a clear path, traveling there is much faster. Some even installed their Minecart rail at the bottom for this reason.
5. Strider

One of the newest monsters in the game is the Strider. Like the horse, you'll need a saddle to ride a Strider, and like a pig, you'll need its favorite treat on a stick to control it. The warped mushroom on a stick is made from a warped mushroom and a fishing rod. Although these friends are slow on earth, they are fast on lava. If you want to explore the Nether or just want to safely cross its lava ocean, the Striders are the form of travel for you. And again, be sure to bring a leash and a fence post.