Once upon a time Anivia was a top midrange champion. Infamous for taking 20 minutes to evolve before single-handedly assuming full control of any objective game, the winged goddess of waveclear has struggled to find her place in League of Legends as of recent. Even so, Anivia remains a popular choice - and not just because of its remarkably similar aesthetic to everyone's favorite legendary bird Pokémon Artikodin.
Your wall can stop the dashes
Something that took a long time for old school Anivia players to figure out, it's happy that this part of Anivia's kit is a little more intuitive today. By using your W - Crystallize to create a wall between you and a dashing foe (i.e. Lee Sin connects to the second part of his Q), you can interrupt their ability before the journey ends.
This is useful both in aggressive situations and for disengaging from ganks / teamfights.
Orient your Q correctly
Q - Anivia's Flash Frost represents almost all of her trading potential throughout the game. Prior to 6, this is the only way for her to have access to any semblance of her iconic waveclear.
As such, we recommend that you position yourself appropriately in front of your opponent - ideally in a way that allows your Q, when cast, to break through the wave of minions (dealing damage to whatever it takes). cross), as well as connecting with your opponent for a short stun and trading window.
Chokepoints, chokepoints, chokepoints
In order to achieve full effectiveness on the significant amounts of area-of-effect damage in the Anivia kit, we recommend fighting in chokepoints. Whether in the jungle or at a neutral objective, place your R - Ice Storm, use your W to cut enemy escape routes, then throw your Q to keep the enemy team there for as long as possible.
200 IQ
You can complete a channeled teleport in the form of a passive egg. Use that knowledge wisely - it's a nice niche, but one day can save your life.