The third and final force of the Legendary Nature Pokémon, Landorus, has arrived in Pokémon Go. You now have the option of trying to capture it, much like other previous Nature Legends that have arrived in the game. Landorus is the leader of the trio and should be the strongest of them. Tackling this issue won't be an easy task, and you can find it in new five-star raids in the game.
Landorus weaknesses
Landorus is a Ground and Flying type Pokémon. Its only weaknesses are Water and Ice-type Pokémon, but it's doubly weak for Ice-type attacks, so you need to make sure you have plenty of them available. You want to avoid using Ground, Bug, Electric, Fighting, and Poison-type Pokémon and their moves against it as they will do considerably less damage than other attacks. Plan your team wisely when trying to take them down.
Pokémon to counter Landorus
To focus on Landorus' weakness, you mainly want to have Ice-type Pokémon on your team against. Your best bet is to use Mamoswine, Weavile or Glaceon.

Mamoswine is an excellent Ground and Ice type Pokémon. He's a heavy hitter, with the downside that he doesn't have too much defensive capacity, which means you'll probably want to use him as a second or third choice during a raid against Landorus to make sure you get the hang of it. have a defensive Pokémon to keep your team afloat. You can optimize Mamoswine's best moves which consist of mud slap and avalanche or powder snow and avalanche, the latter being much better against Landorus.

Another choice to have on your team is Weavile, a Dark and Ice-type Pokémon. Just like Mamoswine, it is also more of a heavy hitter than a defensive Pokémon, so you need to be careful when using it. It's a glass cannon. His best moves consist of a growl and an avalanche or a feint attack and an avalanche. To really optimize against Landorus, try using a Weavile that has an Ice Shard and Avalanche. It's not his best moveset, but it's perfect in this meeting.

The final choice is Glaceon, the evolution of the Ice-type Eevee. Getting an Eevee shouldn't be too difficult, and a Glaceon with enough decent stats to fight in this raid won't be too difficult for most trainers. All of Glaceon's potential move sets consist of Ice-type attacks, which means almost any three-star Glaceon has the potential to give you a distinctive advantage in this encounter. Its best attacks are Frost Blast and Avalanche, Ice Split and Avalanche, or Frost Blast and Ice Beam.
These are great choices against Landorus. However, if you don't have one, you can still count on Kyogre, Jynx, Lapras, Swampert, Cloyster, Feraligatr, Walrein or Alola Ninetales. Focusing on Landorus' double weakness for Ice-type attacks, you should be doing well.
Make sure to team up with your friends to take it down. Landorus is only available for a limited time Pokémon Go.