Lately, many users are experiencing a certain malfunction with regards to hashtags on Instagram. Many are looking for a solution, but there doesn't seem to be one that unites all users equally. However, there are aspects and situations that the users of the well-known social network have in common.
So if you are among those who find themselves with Instagram that doesn't add hashtags Then you have come to the correct place. In this guide we will see together what can be the causes and relative solutions of a possible hashtag malfunction.
There is no single and common cause for all users. However, there are criteria or situations common to most users. So let's see which ones and the relative solutions to be adopted.
Abuse of hashtags and use of banned hashtags
The maximum number of hashtags allowed by Instagram is 30. Some users, however, to add more, insert other hashtags in the comments. Many insert tags, delete them and then reinsert them. Instagram doesn't like it. If abnormal behavior is found, the account is likely to be treated as Spammer, resulting in a ban.
In addition to the use of a large number of hashtags, it is forbidden to use those that have been banned e prohibited from Instagram. Many of these refer to terms that are racist, sexist or otherwise that may upset a user. Others, on the other hand, are words in common use, but which are too used or too generic and therefore do not represent anything specific.
So if Instagram notices that that particular tag has been used by a disproportionate number of accounts, it deems it too generic and therefore prohibits its use. Furthermore, if we delete and reinsert the same tag, it is likely to cause problems, as after inserting it the first time it is counted just once.
If the social network sees that you are using hashtags improperly, it could run for cover. This practice, in fact, can lead back to one shadowban of a user's account.
So we advise you to use them correctly and not to abuse them.
Bugs in the comments
Sometimes the cause depends on the application itself. It may happen that from time to time, due to some bug, the tags are not displayed. However, it is not certain that they will not work. Other users, in fact, could see them very well and it could depend on a momentary bug of the application itself.
What you could do is uninstall and reinstall the app, or wait for the error to be resolved.
Use of third party applications
Instagram doesn't get along very well with third-party apps. So it is possible that it limits the use and functioning of some aspects to those who use these unofficial apps. One of these limitations could concern the use of hashtags. Unfortunately, there is no precise list of apps that interact with Instagram that are not convenient to use.
If you have found that the period in which you encountered the malfunction coincides with the one in which you started using the app, the problem depends precisely on the latter.
So we advise you to uninstall any third party app that might conflict with the official app. If you permanently eliminate it within a week, the situation should return to normal.
We also advise against the use of these apps, as in addition to causing malfunctions, they could also steal sensitive data.
These are some of the reasons why hashtags may not work properly. If you are aware of other situations and their solutions do not hesitate to tell us through the comments box.