If you encounter any problems and Instagram it blocks do not despair, you are certainly not alone. The well-known social network, despite being widespread on a large scale, is not free from bugs and malfunctions. Sometimes it crashes often or doesn't load properly, despite being connected to a reliable WiFi network.
However, we can resort to repairs by adopting solutions that allow us to safely use the app. So let's see some solutions to solve Instagram blocks and problems.
Instagram crashes: how to fix
Often these problems recur over and over again and there doesn't seem to be a root cause. However, there are some solutions that can help you solve these problems, so that you can use the app safely.
So let's see how to solve problems and blocks of the Instagram app.
Check the connection
If the problem doesn't go away with a simple reboot, check your own connection Instagram. So it is advisable to check both the WiFi network and the mobile data connection to understand if the problem depends on one or the other.
Clean the cache (Android)
If your internet connections are OK, you may need to clean the cache of the app.
First of all let's go to the Settings and we look for the voice Applications. The name of this section varies depending on the devices. Once in this section, we are shown a list of all the applications on our device. Let's scroll down until we find the app and select it.
At this point we select the options Forced shutdown e Clean cache. Finally we restart the device and check that everything is working correctly.
Uninstall and reinstall the app
If with the previous method we have not solved the problem, we can try and uninstall e reinstall the Instagram app on our device.
Restart the device
Many times switch off e turn on again your device is the best solution. If you encounter a problem then restart your device, smartphone or tablet.
Wait for the next update
If with the previous methods your problems have not been solved, it means that it does not depend on our device. At this point we just have to wait for a updating from the app developers or wait for the problem to resolve itself.
Often these blocks depend on the Instagram server and affect users who can't help but wait.
If you encounter messages such as "Failed to update feed" we recommend that you read our guide on this.
As we have seen, there are many solutions for any blockages or malfunctions. However, they don't always work. If the problems persist it is good to wait for an intervention by the developers.