The Niantic developers have introduced new Pokémon to Pokémon GO that trainers research and attempt to capture. The notable new Pokémon in the game are Geolith, Ouvrifier, Carabing, and Snail. They're different Pokémon, and knowing where to find them can make roaming your area a lot easier if you know where to go. You can also evolve these Pokémon through Trade Evolution.
Geolith is a Rock-type Pokémon. You can find these types in certain parts of a city, such as parking lots, streets, and busy cities. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding it on the go. Geolith is the evolved form of Nodulith, you can find them in the wild and 5 km eggs.
Open is a Fighting-type Pokémon. Similar to Geolith, you can find it in cities, but you want to check out sports stadiums, recreational gymnasiums, and arenas. You want to visit active places where intense activity occurs. Ouvrifier is the evolved form of Charpenti. You can find Charpenti in 10K Eggs and Pokémon Raid 1 Star Battles.
Carabing is a Bug-type Pokémon. You can find them on farms, open fields, parks, playgrounds and in the countryside. If your city has a few parks, check them out, but you might want to venture out of town to locate them. You can also catch a Carabing by hatching a 5 km egg.
Snail is also a type of bug. Much like Carabing, you want to investigate the open areas mentioned earlier, and you might want to venture out of your town to get the best results from finding it. Again, like Carabing, you can hatch a 5 mile egg and potentially hatch one.
Now, if you want to evolve any of these Pokémon, you can save yourself a lot of candy by doing so through a trade. When you trade this Pokémon to a friend, the cost of candy drops, but you can't get it back. You can only trade Pokémon GO Pokémon once at another trade. Once it's delivered to them, they can't send it back to you. If you want these Pokémon to have lower candy costs to evolve, you need another trainer to send you theirs.
Géolith becomes Gigalithe, Ouvrifier becomes Bétochef, Carabing becomes Lançargot and Escargaume becomes Limaspeed. All of these Pokémon are eligible for Trade Evolution, so if a friend is willing to give them yours, see if you can't find one to trade with them in exchange. You can get one for yourself and make sure your friend has one when they trade.