The Galar region is home to dozens of new creatures to collect in, and all of these new Pokemon have their own methods of evolution. As in the past, some Pokemon evolutions are much more difficult to understand than others. Most of these evolve as you level up, but a few require additional steps: you might get new evolutions based on your Pokemon nature, or even a random evolution after going around in circles.
There are totally new (and totally weird) methods that require more than an Evolution element. Some of the strangest Pokémon have to evolve in specific places on the map - or in the case of Galarian Farfetch'd, you can become the brave knight Sirfetch'd by landing three critical hits in a single battle. Make sure to learn the moves to increase your critical chance!
All Pokémon evolutions in the Galar region
Most Pokémon evolve according to their level. Once your Pokémon reach a specific level, they automatically evolve - some are more complicated than that. We'll start with the starters, then walk you through the trickier Pokémon evolutions below.
Starter Pokémon Evolutions
Grookey (Enter) -> Thwackey (Nv. 16) -> Rillaboom (Nv.35)
Scorbunny (Enter) -> Raboot (Nv.16) -> Cinderella (Nv.35)
Sobble (Enter) -> Drizzile (Nv.16) -> Inteleon (Nv.35)
Pokemon Evolutions - Unique Methods (Items, Natures & More)
Applin: Applin will become one of two different Pokémon, depending on what item you give it: an apple pie or a sweet apple.
- Flapple: Give Applin the element of evolution (Apple Pie).
- Appletun: Give Applin the element of evolution (Sweet Apple).
Toxel: Depending on the nature of your Toxel, it will evolve into one of two different forms of the same Pokémon.
- Toxtricity (Forme Amped): Adamant, Brave, Docile, Hardy, Fast, Sassy, Jolly, Lax, Naive, Naughty, Rash, Unusual, Sassy Nature
- Toxtricity (weak key form): Shy, daring, calm, careful, gentle, alone, gentle, modest, calm, relaxed, serious, shy nature
Clobbopus: You transform Clobbopus into Grapploct, you have to learn the provocation move with Clobbopus, then level up.
- Joke Log: Level after learning Taunt.
Believe: Evolves into Polteageist with the evolution item (Cracked Pot). This Pokémon (and its evolution) can be found in unadulterated form in the Wilds.
- Polteageist: Use the Cracked Pot element.
Milcery: Evolves in Alcremie - when you rotate you get different shapes.
- Alcremia: Give Milcery a candy and turn around the world map.
snom: Evolves in Frosmoth, but only after reaching a high happiness level.
- Frosmoth: Reach happiness 220 and level up at night.
Pokemon Evolutions - New forms of the previous generation of Pokemon
Obstagoon: This new third form of evolution for Zigzagoon / Linoone will only evolve at level 35 of the night.
- Obstagoon: Level up Galarian Form Zigzagoon Form / Galarian Linoone at Lv. 35 at night.
Perrzerker: This is a new evolution specific to Galarian Form Meowth.
- Perrzersker: Upgrade Meowth's Galarian Form to Lv. 28
Cursola: This is a new evolution specific to Galarian Form Corsola.
- Cursola: Leveling the Galician form Corsola to Nv. 38
Sirfetch'd: This is a new evolution unique to Galarian Form Farfetch'd.
- Sirfetch'd: Get three critical hits in one battle with evolving Galarian Form Farfetch'd.
M. Rime: A third evolution for Mime Jr. - Galarian form Mr. Mime evolves to become Mr. Rime at Lv. 42
- M. Rime: Set Mr. Mime's Galician level to Lvl. 42
Runerigus: One of the strangest evolutionary methods to date. This Pokemon evolves from Galarian Form Yamask.
- Runerigus: With Galask Form Yamask, go under a stone structure in Dusty Bowl - Wild Lands with 49 additional damage.
Pokémon Evolutions - Leveling
Blipbug -> Dottler (Nv.10) -> Orbeetle (Nv.30)
Rookidee -> Corvisquire (Nv.18) -> Corviknight (Nv.38)
Skwovet -> Greedent (Nv.24)
Nickit -> Thievul (Nv. 18)
Gossifleur -> Eldegoss (Nv.20)
Wooloo -> Dubwool (Nv. 24)
Chewtle -> Drednaw (Nv.22)
Yamper -> Boltund (Nv.25)
Rolycoly -> Carkol (Lv.18) -> Coalossal (Nv.34)
Sillicobra -> Sandacobra (Nv. 36)
Arrokuda -> Barraskewda (Lv.26)
Sizzlipede -> Centiskorch (Nv.28)
Hatenna -> Hattrem (Nv.32) -> Hatterene (Nv.42)
Impidimp -> Morgrem (Nv.32) -> Grimmsnarl (Nv.42)
Cufant -> Copperajah (Nv.34)
Dreepy -> Drakloak (Nv.50) -> Dragapult (Nv ???)