Sierra is one of the three leaders of Team GO Rocket in which you can fight Pokémon GO. To face it, you need to collect six mysterious components of Rocket Grunts from the captured PokéStops. After receiving them, you can build a rocket radar to refine a leader's lair. Here's what you need to know to fight Sierra.
How to beat Sierra in Pokémon GO
You have to use sturdy and durable Pokémon when fighting Sierra. If you use damage-based choices, you'll find that your Pokémon can attack well, but they won't last in a long fight. You want to use more defensive options with general-purpose general attacks to constantly fight against all the Sierra Pokémon that throw at you.
First Pokémon
The first Pokémon you'll face against Sierra is Absolutely Dark-type. You can choose to use a Bug, Fairy, or Fighting-type Pokémon or one of these attack types. You shouldn't have too many problems with any of the three choices.
Second Pokémon
Sierra has the option of choosing one of three different Pokémon for this option. She could remove Alakazam a Psychic type, Lokhlass a Water and Ice type, or Cacturne a Grass and Dark type. Few Pokémon match in terms of a similar type, so you'll need to stay creative and flexible during this part of the battle.
Your best option is to choose a Pokémon that is a Bug-type or can use Bug-type moves to attack Alakazam and Cacturne. They are both weak to bug. However, Lokhlass is weak on Electric, Combat, Grass, and Rock types. A Fighting type would work against Cacturne and Lokhlass, but if Sierra uses Alkazam, they could easily take a Fighting type, and you end up with an unnecessary slot.
Your best option might be to go with Scarhino because he's a bug and fighting type, Scarabrute, Cizayox, or Manternel.
Third Pokémon
Sierra has another set of three options to choose from for her latest Pokémon. She could have Gallame a Psychic and Fighting type, Demolish a Fire and Dark Type, or Tengalice a Grass and Dark Type. Some of these types match much better than the previous options, so it will be easier for you to make a choice.
Your best bet would be to find a reliable Flying-type Pokémon to quickly take down Tengalice or Gallame. Unfortunately, Demolossus isn't weak for one type of theft, but he can't cause super-effective against one. You will have to look to see the other strike choices for your Pokemon as Demolossus has both Fire and Dark moves.
Lugia would be a great option as she could withstand some of Gallame's attacks and deal massive damage to all three options. Psychic-type attacks on Tengalice should be avoided, but that's about it.
Whatever options you choose for each battle, you need to make sure that you are considering a stable and reliable defensive type for each battle. It's an endurance fight with the Sierra Pokémon that brings a lot of health and damage to the table. The more durable your choices are, the longer you can last and get to the end of the fight.